New Query: Mr. Write (new adult, but also pitching as women'

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New Query: Mr. Write (new adult, but also pitching as women'

Post by spauff » July 3rd, 2013, 12:47 pm

Joanna “Jo” Elliott’s perfect man? Tall, dark and imaginary.

Since her last relationship ended in heartbreak three years ago, Jo has spent more quiet nights at home with a good book than out on good dates, and she daydreams more about fictional men than real ones. But when one of her favorite literary men, Mr. Rochester of Jane Eyre, appears one night, she’s more pissed off than pleased to see him.

Of course, he does nearly gallop over her car. Also, he’s rather rude. And Jo has no idea how he ended up in a modern-day college town or how to get him back to his novel.

Her confusion only grows as more characters begin to show up at her house and the bookstore where she works. Soon Jo discovers she has the ability to bring to life any fictional being she wants, simply by writing about them. Scribble down a short story, write some fanfiction or just compose a note in a greeting card and BAM! Instant hero.

So when her best friend suffers yet another terrible break-up, Jo decides to use her newfound power to create the perfect man. All she has to do is write a simple love story.

Someone should have warned Jo that nothing about love is simple.

No matter what she writes – and rewrites – Jo can’t “Mr. Write” to cooperate with her scheme. And she doesn’t have time to wait for romance to bloom, because that guy who broke her heart three years ago? He’s back, and he’s dating her best friend.

“Mr. Write” is a 98,000-word new adult novel with strong romantic elements. I am a newspaper copy editor and former newspaper reporter and columnist. Thank you for your consideration.

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