Looking for a couple of CPs who write YA Fantasy

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Looking for a couple of CPs who write YA Fantasy

Post by SariBelle » January 31st, 2013, 11:20 pm

Hi there,

I'd like to get a little CP group going with two to three other writers in the genre of YA fantasy (all subgenres).

It would be great if we were all around the same skill level/place in the writing & publishing journey. I've been writing for around five years and I intend to (finally) start querying this year. It'd be great to go through this with other people who are at a similar stage!

I'm looking for people who understand story craft and can give helpful, constructive critique on plot structure, characterisation, voice, etc. My understanding of story craft and structure is stronger than my ability to write it!

If you're interested let me know and we can swap the first 15 pages and see how it goes.

Here's the draft query for my WIP (queries are not my strong point...):

Dani Strider knows how to be invisible, survive alone in the wilderness, listen in on someone else’s thoughts, and how to kill a man in 42 different ways. What she doesn’t know is why. Her life has always held more questions than answers, but despite grandparents who refuse to discuss the past and a magical gift with a mind of its own, she’s never given up on the search for answers.

When she finds herself plunged into the world of Dereshan, where magic is commonplace and everyone she meets wants to use her, she knows she’s hit gold in her search for answers. She can handle being used – if she gets what she wants in return.

Her dubiously labelled guide Jeran, a canine with an attitude and an agenda of his own, agrees to help Dani navigate the treacherous world of Dereshan – for a price.
Dereshan holds the key to her mother’s murder and her father’s identity but, surrounded on all sides by enemies dedicated to destroying her, allies who are no better than enemies, and two armies intent on tearing the world to pieces, Dani finds herself at the heart of a brewing storm.

As unique in this world as she was on Earth, torn between players with warring agendas, Dani’s choices will determine a whole world’s fate.

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Re: Looking for a couple of CPs who write YA Fantasy

Post by acody » April 8th, 2013, 6:13 pm

Hi SariBelle,
I've just joined the community today and am ready (I think) to possibly submit two YA novels to an agent- one is fantasy fiction for tweens/early teens and the other is a realistic fiction novel for older teens. I have been a MS teacher for 14 years now so I am pretty ingrained in the culture as well as the YA literature. Anyway, I also have a WIP that is a YA Fantasy fiction novel- In some ways it has some similarities to yours- as far as animal as guide, etc. Feel free to email me at amycody13@gmail.com and possibly we can hook up to trade pages of our W'sIP for critique purposes.
ACody- Kentucky

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