The Unpublishable

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The Unpublishable

Post by vacuumqueen » January 15th, 2010, 1:18 am

You know how you've got two or three or twenty ideas for stories at all times in your head? Me too. I usually just have ideas, but sometimes I categorize them by title first and let the ideas come out of that. The other day, after a particularly "off" day in the Vacuumqueen household, a new book title popped in my head. Before I mention the title, let me point out that I excitedly plotted the entire book throughout the dark hours of the evening. And then somehow, common sense hit me by morning. I realized I can't publish my story. Or write it really. Not without being busted and having the title come true early. Darn.

Only 14 More Years Until I Can Get Divorced will not be a book on shelves anytime soon. And not just because it takes 2-3 years to actually appear on shelves. It's more that I don't think my family would believe that it's a work of fiction. Need I mention I have a 4 year old? Get it? Bleh. So there goes that one.

And although I've had plenty of bad ideas go through my head, many titles have been given the gong immediately as well, such as the entirely appropriate at the time: Did You Just Eat Cat Poop? that was a theme in our house for awhile.

Many titles instantly draw you in. I'd love Nathan to have a title contest. For now, let me know what you think would LOSE that contest. What are the most unpublishable titles?

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Re: The Unpublishable

Post by JuliaHunter » January 15th, 2010, 2:20 am

The Perfect Murder :)

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