Setting Usernames for Author pages

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Setting Usernames for Author pages

Post by TaylorNapolsky » July 17th, 2011, 4:20 pm


I'm new to the forums and I have a question about setting up an Author page. Nathan's post from a long time ago on setting up Facebook pages was super helpful.

I have a question though.

I have a personal page, and an author page, I need to set the username for my author page to TaylorNapolsky.

I got my 25 likes so I could set my own username, but when I went to set the username, it said I already have a username, taybot3, which has been my username for my personal page.

I didn't want to type in taylornapolsky and hit enter, if it would just change my username for my personal page to taylornapolsky. I want to set the name for my author page to taylornapolsky, so when people type it goes to my author page.

I really don't care what my username for my personal page is.

Does anyone know how to do this? The thing is, it only lets you choose your username like once, so I can't figure it out by trial and error.

Well, any advice is much appreciated. thanks a ton!


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Re: Setting Usernames for Author pages

Post by Watcher55 » July 17th, 2011, 4:27 pm

I don't know if there's a right way to do it, but I usually just open a new account with a different e-mail address.

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Re: Setting Usernames for Author pages

Post by Nathan Bransford » July 17th, 2011, 5:23 pm

Go to, then you can choose your page and set the username specifically for the page. As long as it doesn't duplicate your personal profile (and as long as it's available) you should be fine.

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Re: Setting Usernames for Author pages

Post by TaylorNapolsky » July 18th, 2011, 1:53 am

thx everyone!

I actually figured it out, and got it to work the way I wanted, so /taylornapolsky goes to my author page. One weird thing is Kristen Lamb advised me to not even have an author page because it spreads my fanbase (ha what fanbase?) too thin, between two pages.

I dunno, it was just unexpected to get that advice, since Nathan seemed pretty adamant about it a couple months ago. This blog is where I got the lesson on how to start an author page. But I don't know what is best really, and maybe it doesn't make much difference.

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Re: Setting Usernames for Author pages

Post by Collectonian » July 18th, 2011, 12:47 pm

I'd have to disagree with Ms. Lamb. As a user, I actually find it rather aggravating when businesses, organizations, etc, and public figures like authors, news reporters, etc have you to go their personal profile to "friend" them versus being able to "like" their page. The former requires you to validate my liking your work, etc by "friending" me back, while with a page, its just me saying "hey, I like this person, business, product, etc and want to see relevant posts about it." As a (hopefully) future author, I'd most certainly want a separate author page, as it is cleaner and more business oriented, and less personal. I don't want random fans reading my personal posts on my Facebook, and as a "fan" of other authors, I don't want to read their personal stuff either. I'm not "friending" the person, I'm "liking" their works, what they write.

For example, looking at other art forms, I enjoy Toby Keith's music. I might like his page to find out about upcoming concerts, albums, etc. I do not, however, care for his political views and would have no interest in seeing posts about his family, voting, etc.

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Re: Setting Usernames for Author pages

Post by oldhousejunkie » July 28th, 2011, 1:40 pm

I totally agree with Collectonian. I don't want the people who like me as an author to know about my personal beliefs, comings and goings, etc.

But it's more of a "I don't want to send a friend request to an author who doesn't know me from Adam" type of thing. Even though you can see who likes your page, liking something is a.) instant gratification and b.) impersonl. In fact, I haven't "friended" any author, agent, etc but I have "liked" a lot of different authors, agents, etc.

Yeah. I'm weird like that. :-)

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