Seeking a CP for Upper YA portal Fantasy

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Seeking a CP for Upper YA portal Fantasy

Post by francocook1 » April 23rd, 2020, 8:12 pm

Hello, I'm seeking a CP for my 94,000 word Young Adult portal fantasy. The story contains historical and sci-fi elements that tie the plot together and make it believable. This is my third round of edits and I've already cut thirty thousand words and counting, from my MS. I've received critiques from writers who specialize in multiple genres. However, I would really like to work with a fellow YA fantasy writer who understands the genre. At this point in the editing process, I'm seeking feedback about plot, pacing, and characterization, along with anything else that jumps out at you.

This said, I'm a very thorough critiquer, and I work hard to provide honest and helpful feedback that will help improve the MS. If you're interested, maybe we can exchange the first few chapters of our WIP's to ensure we're compatible. Thanks for considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Re: Seeking a CP for Upper YA portal Fantasy

Post by LaneMiles » April 26th, 2020, 8:32 pm

Hello! I'd be interested in exchanging the first few chapters of our novels to see if we are compatible. I'm also a YA Fantasy writer and my manuscript is about 99,000 words. I will give my honest, constructive feedback and spend a good amount of time thoroughly reading through your work.

I recently shared my work with another beta reader and will be implementing changes over the next week, but could send the first few chapters immediately and then the rest in another week or two. Let me know if that would work!

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