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Old Post

Posted: April 1st, 2010, 11:49 pm
by Mary-Catharine
Everyone has been very helpful on this site-- I apologize for responding so late. However, I'd like for all of you to know that I'm very greatful and I've had some time to take off and mature as a writer. I'm looking over my old Query *cringe*. It's relgiously inaccurate and basically 50,000 words from a rambling maniac: myself. Indeed, I regret to admit that I was having a nervous breakdown writing the novel. I've begun a new project (mental breakdown free). Formally, I'd like to apologize to those who you pointed out my inaccuracy to the Mormom religon.
I still hope to return to editting PALOOKA EXPRESS, and hopefully it was make it's debut in stores.
I hope the viewers on this forum will appreciated my new novel, NIGHTFRAME: IN THE RED OF THE KNIGHT.

Thank you for welcoming me back, I'm excited to get some critcism!!!!!


Posted: April 1st, 2010, 11:54 pm
by Quill
Some flavor but insufficient info. You've talked about characters, and, I suppose, setting. I'd like to know a bit more what it's about. What's the main conflict in your story?


Posted: April 2nd, 2010, 12:15 am
by BlancheKing
Mary-Catharine wrote:This is a portion of my query letter and I'm wondering if I need to give a little more or a little less. Or does the summary sound a little generic (I can't think of any other word). Should I give a little more about the story? Is this too basic? Your thoughts?

CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. ENTER. On the day of Wallace McHardy’s reprieve from rehab, he is offered a night of foolhardy fun from a Rumspringa lass, Sailor Crownan. She is intrigued by the fact that Wallace wears a navy bandana over his face to hide his bilateral cleft lip and uses a T.I toy to speak. But Wallace hides a lot more than just his scars under the cloth of his mask. Following Sailor down the rabbit-hole, Wallace doesn’t realize how far he’s gotten until he encounters a nude flower child, a brainwashing cult leader, a dog named Dirty Nazi, Bouchillon the Felon, a crazed suburban house-wife, and a drag queen named Ferrara Pan with a vendetta to kill. And by then it’s too late to turn back.

PALOOKA EXPRESS is a 57,755 word contemporary novel set somewhere in the suburban jungle. It begins at a Podunk bus stop and ends with a funeral with death, sex, and candy in between points A-B. Readers who enjoy the erratic and exotic characters in Joshua Corin's NUCLEAR WINTER WONDERLAND, might enjoy PALOOKA EXPRESS.
Sound effects are interesting, but the clicks reminds me of McEwan's Atonement. I would love to read the book once its published; the idea is interesting. However, listing in a query may not yield the best results.
Also, is it your intention to shout with all the capital letters and exclamation marks? Your topic has a very ostentatious title. It detracts from the quality writing you have on the inside. Just a suggestion.


Posted: April 2nd, 2010, 9:08 am
by kenpochick
Ooo! Ooo! Me!! I want a hyrbid puppy/kitten/bunny/zebra!!!!

CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. ENTER. On the day of Wallace McHardy’s reprieve from rehab, he is offered a night of foolhardy fun from a Rumspringa (I'm not sure what that is?) lass, Sailor Crownan. She is intrigued by the fact that Wallace wears a navy bandana over his face to hide his bilateral cleft lip (does she know that why he does it?) and uses a T.I toy to speak. But Wallace hides a lot more than justhis scars under the cloth of his mask. Following Sailor down the rabbit-hole, (literally or figuritevly? I read a lot of fantasy.) Wallace doesn’t realize how far he’s gotten until he encounters a nude flower child, a brainwashing cult leader, a dog named Dirty Nazi, Bouchillon the Felon, a crazed suburban house-wife, and a drag queen named Ferrara Pan with a vendetta to kill. And by By then it’s too late to turn back.

PALOOKA EXPRESS is a 57,755 58,000 word contemporary novel set somewhere in the suburban jungle. It begins at a Podunk (lower case) bus stop and ends with a funeral. with death, sex, and candy in between points A-B. (That last phrase is really awkward, try rephrasing.)Readers who enjoy the erratic and exotic characters in Joshua Corin's NUCLEAR WINTER WONDERLAND, might enjoy PALOOKA EXPRESS.

Ok, where's my hyrbid?


Posted: April 2nd, 2010, 6:04 pm
by Mary-Catharine
Oh My Gandhi! Everyone thank you so much for your replies! This was exactly what I was looking for. I feel so freakin' welcome here it's ridiculous all the love I'm feeling. Thank you so much for the criticism that was much needed. I will definitely hop to it!
Special thanks to Blacheking, Quil, kenpochick! You guys are fantastic. Thank you for making me feel welcome to this forum!


Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 5:51 pm
by Emily J
Mary-Catharine wrote:This is a portion of my query letter and I'm wondering if I need to give a little more or a little less. Or does the summary sound a little generic (I can't think of any other word). Should I give a little more about the story? Is this too basic? Your thoughts?

CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. ENTER. After reading the sample pages I get what this is, but I don't think an agent will understand On the day of Wallace McHardy’s reprieve release? rather than reprieve, unless he only has a reprieve and he has to go back in a few days or something from rehab, he is offered a night of foolhardy fun from a Rumspringa maybe it's just me but I don't know what "Rumbspringa" is... what is it? lass, Sailor Crownan. She is intrigued by the fact cut out "by the fact" that Wallace wears a navy bandana over his face to hide his bilateral cleft lip and uses a T.I what's that? toy to speak. But Wallace hides a lot more than just his scars under the cloth of his mask. 'his cloth mask" would be tighter Following Sailor down the rabbit-hole, no hyphen here Wallace doesn’t realize how far he’s gotten until he encounters why not just say "Wallace encounters a nude..." a nude flower child, a brainwashing cult leader, a dog named Dirty Nazi, Bouchillon the Felon, a crazed suburban house-wife, and a drag queen named Ferrara Pan with a vendetta to kill. And by then it’s too late to turn back.

PALOOKA EXPRESS is a 57,755 round word count to nearest thousand word contemporary novel set somewhere in the suburban jungle. It begins at a Podunk why is this capitalized? bus stop and ends with a funeral with death, sex, and candy in between points A-B. to many "with"s for me, seems awkward Readers who enjoy the erratic and exotic characters in Joshua Corin's NUCLEAR WINTER WONDERLAND, might enjoy "will enjoy" would be stronger here PALOOKA EXPRESS.


Posted: April 5th, 2010, 8:30 pm
by wilderness
I agree with Quill - you haven't really focused on a hook or conflict. The details are interesting but it seems like a random series of events.

Try to answer these questions within your query:
What is your one sentence log line or hook?
What is the character's main goal and main conflict?
Why is the goal so important?

Hope that helps!


Posted: January 18th, 2011, 3:56 pm
by Mary-Catharine
Everyone has been very helpful on this site-- I apologize for responding so late. However, I'd like for all of you to know that I'm very greatful and I've had some time to take off and mature as a writer. I'm looking over my old Query *cringe*. It's relgiously inaccurate and basically 50,000 words from a rambling maniac: myself. Indeed, I regret to admit that I was having a nervous breakdown writing the novel. I've begun a new project (mental breakdown free). Formally, I'd like to apologize to those who you pointed out my inaccuracy to the Mormom religon.
I still hope to return to editting PALOOKA EXPRESS, and hopefully it was make it's debut in stores.
I hope the viewers on this forum will appreciated my new novel, NIGHTFRAME: IN THE RED OF THE KNIGHT.

Thank you for welcoming me back, I'm excited to get some critcism!!!!!