Which book have you read the most number of times?

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by Rhonda » March 25th, 2010, 5:45 pm

To be honest, the books I've probably read the most times are the Junie B. Jones books, but since I read them to my kids I guess that doesn't count. Right? On my own I don't really re-read ficiton books. However, if I had to re-read something it would be The Lord of the Rings books.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by gonzo2802 » March 25th, 2010, 11:07 pm

Anne Rice's The Queen of the Damned . I'm sure I've read it about a half a dozen times, and I'm not much of a re-reader either.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by Mira » March 25th, 2010, 11:57 pm

I love the Shannara series....hmmmm. I haven't read that in awhile. Thanks for the reminder. :)

I'm a huge re-reader. Anything I love, I'll re-read. I like to re-capture the experience, and peel the onion.

Ink, I hate to admit this, but I may have you beat on the Hobbitt and LOTR. And I've re-read Prydain more times than I can count.

I re-read lots of childhood favorites, like LM Montgomery, she's under-rated, imho. Every so often, I'll work my way through Jane Austen. I picked up Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie recently, but oddly enough got bored with both, and put them down. Oh, and the Harry Potter series of course.

Nathan, you ask fun questions. :)

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by Kaylabirdy » March 26th, 2010, 3:30 am

I've read the CHRONICLES OF NARNIA probably seven times each. Besides that, Tamora Pierce always writes fun and interesting books.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by knight_tour » March 26th, 2010, 7:28 am

If we're talking literally, then it is probably Go Dog Go when I was very young. Now it would be The Hobbit and LOTR that I have read the most times, probably at least a half dozen times each. Now I keep rereading The Silmarillion every few years.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by mmcdonald64 » March 26th, 2010, 6:21 pm

The Clan of the Cave Bear, hands down, followed by the sequels. I keep copies in the house at all times. If I lend one out, I go to the used bookstore and buy another. lol. They're just books that I can pick up and read.

Another one I love is Roots. I'm not sure how many times I've read it, but I read it the first time in 1978 or so. I was 12 and my 7th grade English teacher didn't believe me when I used it for a book report.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by PaulWoodlin » March 26th, 2010, 6:53 pm

Don Quixote, Gone With the Wind, For Whom the Bell Tolls, LA Confidential, and everything I found by Jeanette Winterson, twice each.

Cabal (a Clive Barker collection), The Hobbit, Lord of the Things, Narnia series, first two Thomas Covenant trilogies, Jaws, Starship Troopers, and Maledicte, I'm guessing three times each, except Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Illearth War got extra readings.

Jane Eyre four times.

Sense and Sensibility, seven times. I think its the only romance novel in the history of English literature where guys like me get the girl.

The original Foundation Trilogy by Asimov, I have no freakin idea. I read them the first time when I was too young to remember, but they permentantly affected my brain. I've always looked at history from an Asimovian point of view, except I think he overestimated it's mallability.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by christi » March 26th, 2010, 10:45 pm

Dune, Mists of Avalon, Watchers, Eyes of the Dragon, Lightning, Twilight Eyes, Nighteyes, Watership Down, Goblet of Fire.

Off the top of my head.
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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by commando8 » March 28th, 2010, 2:01 pm

Without a doubt, my three unpublished novels (I suspect I'm not alone in that...).

Other than that, I think I've read The Shadow Rising and Heart of Darkness 3-4 times each.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by Bohemienne » March 28th, 2010, 6:46 pm

Slaughterhouse V is my absolute favorite multi-read of all time. Probably... 4 times now? I'm really not a re-reader, and it's not my favorite genre to boot. But I'll be damned if I don't love Billy Pilgrim and his unstuckedness.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by lightelement94 » March 29th, 2010, 2:46 pm

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. Pretty sure I've read it cover to cover at least fifteen times...and have spent much longer picking it up wherever I feel like it. Though To Kill a Mockingbird has garnered around five re-reads as well...

PaulWoodlin, I'm a girl but I adore your comment about Sense and Sensibility.
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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by Ishta » March 30th, 2010, 2:03 am

Winnie the Pooh, both books, countless times.

Also Sense and Sensibility, The Phantom Tollbooth, Animal Farm, and Lord of the Flies.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by Colonel Travis » March 30th, 2010, 1:20 pm

Everything by Mr. Hemingway, at first just because it was so easy to read. Then I arrived at Old Man and the Sea I couldn't stand it. Didn't read that one again until years later and loved it - it was a totally new experience for me because I had grown up.

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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by BlancheKing » April 1st, 2010, 5:05 pm

The Sherlock Holmes series. I discovered them in middle school and couldn't let them go afterward. Even my British friends won't talk to me about those anymore.

Funny story: I found out one of the local bookstores had a vintage copy of His Last Bow and had to get it. Unfortunately, the local theater was also showing the premier of the first Twilight movie and all the stars were coming. The entire road was clogged with Twilight lovers. I couldn't get into the bookstore thanks to "Edward Cullen Fan" #1-#23. I know... I counted their jerseys. That's how long it took to get into the store...
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Re: Which book have you read the most number of times?

Post by david 222 » April 2nd, 2010, 4:56 pm

Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance from the mid 70"s
Kerry Cohen's Loose Girl which is sort of recent
Palahniuk's True Stories also sort of recent

there is a short story by Andre Dubus Rose I have re-read at least a dozen times

one more mention should go to Stephen King's short out of his Night Shift collection titled Last Rung on the Ladder

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