The Introduction Thread

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Sam » February 25th, 2010, 4:14 am

Hi youse guys.. (I am from the South)

What a wide variety the boards collected already. A message board with members who actually have more than a two word vocabulary, who would have ever thought? I'm used to boards like Bill Maher where most posts are four letter words.

I've been a caregiver for older family members for about 11 years, needless to say it's either hectic or I have tons of time on my hands, so I picked up a pencil and started the addiction we call writing. My work is mainly philosophic but it's grown into a culmination of almost every subject known. Personal insight, societal construction, physics, fate vs free will and the evolution of the conscious mind are the main players. I mostly started writing for my wife but now that a few chapters have piled up she's pushing me to take it to the next level ( you know how wives and husbands can be).

So now I'm here at one of the best sites I've found for writers, IMHO.

I'm more in the frame of mind like "Who knows maybe one day", but like everything I have the need for knowledge on the subject. Needless to say I see tons of helpful info from Mr. Bransford and the following he has gathered.

Keep up the great work everyone!!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by victoria » February 25th, 2010, 4:56 am

Hi all!

another south aussie here (who is just loving the hot weather!!!). Thought I'd take a few minutes to introduce myself - I'm in my 'twenties' (I vaguely remember Nathan blogging a while back about this very term, although I could be completely making it up!). ok, early twenties. I'm a speech path currently researching if, and how, teenagers (typically developing and those with language disorders) make inferences (i.e. reading predictions). So I love to talk, love to read and love to write. And I use way too many smilies. :)

nice to meet you all!!
Sharing my research on how teens read and applying it to the process of writing.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Jaime » February 25th, 2010, 6:14 am

Hi Victoria! Yay South Aussies! Lemme guess . . . Flinders Grad??? ;) And yeah, I think Nathan's blog was about 'twenty-somethings'. I'm holding onto twenty-something for another few months!

Jaime :)

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by victoria » February 25th, 2010, 6:20 am

Yep!! Flinders all the way! I was very surprised (and happy) to see another south aussie, and yes I've decided I would love to hang on to my twenties! Hope you're heading along to writers week next week!:)
Sharing my research on how teens read and applying it to the process of writing.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Yoshima » February 25th, 2010, 4:30 pm

Hey everyone! I've been avoiding the "procrastination" forum like the plague--I don't need help not working on my novel--but it's been so awesome to hear more about the peeps here on the forums and I wanted to add my bit.

I'm from Illinois and only just qualify to use the term "in my twenties." I was actually going down a Pharmacy career path...and I hated it. It was like a great dark cloud hanging over my future. I was actually on my way to interview for a Pharmacy school (up until then I was just doing pre-pharm coursework) when I got the guts to change my direction. I've always loved writing (didn't love reading as a kid until I got my grubby little hands on the Narnia books) and daydreaming, so that's what I'm doing. I've never been happier. :)

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Emily White » February 25th, 2010, 5:55 pm

Howdy ho!

Sorry. I just channeled a bit of Mr. Hanky there.

My name is Emily. I live in NY, about 20 minutes from Niagara Falls. I've been writing for a few years now. I started a novel fresh out of college (though it wasn't my first attempt, it was the one I had every intention of finishing) and after a few years delay due to AIT in the Army and a deployment to Iraq, I actually did finish it. I didn't have a party, but my family offered their congratulations. Unfortunately, I had written it entirely in leather bound journals, so I had to spend a bit of time typing it on the computer. The edits that invariably happened during that process gave the novel a completely different beginning, middle, and a tad different ending. I am now working on my second novel and hope to be ready for querying by this summer.

I love fantasy--definitely my passion. I like to give it a little twist. My current work, for example, is an Epic Fantasy/Military Sci-fi. I have a few new ideas bouncing around in my head, just waiting to be put on paper after my second novel is done. I'm contemplating the idea of writing down my experiences in the military. I was 107 lbs. I passed the initial weigh-in by 3 lbs. Needless to say, no one thought I was going to make it. One of my drill sergeants expressed her shock at the end of basic training. Another drill sergeant liked to call me his Little Killer--a title I still remember with pride. Yeah, I think I just may have to work on that one soon.
Find out about ELEMENTAL, my YA Space Opera (available June 21, 2011) on my blog and ELEMENTAL's facebook fan page

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by BlancheKing » February 28th, 2010, 12:14 am

Hello everyone.

Blanche here, from sunny California. I'm a student (not very exciting) majoring in Economics and Neuroscience, so my weeks consist of lectures, midterms, and dorm food that moves by itself. I have a penchant for British mysteries, and spent my childhood admiring Sherlock Holmes while my friends put up their posters of Aaron Carter. My work is all young adult fiction and mostly mystery, none of which will attempt to explain the meaning of life. I am not qualified to draw such conclusions yet; perhaps someday, when I no longer appreciate the additional candle on my birthday cake.
My goal is to someday be able to put my own published work on my bookshelf, next to the works of my favorite authors.
One manuscript, One dream, One stack of stamps that needs to be bought...
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Erica75 » March 3rd, 2010, 12:16 am

Erica, rural Wisconsin, mother of two, wife of one, preschool teacher to many. About to query my contemporary YA with a bit 'o science mixed in. Busy, busy, busy! Good luck to everyone!
we blog - erica and christy -

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Ryan » March 3rd, 2010, 11:02 am

First off. @ Craig (the starter of this thread). Hats off to you for knowing you want to write and keeping at it. I wish I started earlier. While I'm only 37, I carry around a bit of "what if" because I carried around so many ideas through my twenties without acting on them.

I started taking my creativity seriously while teaching in New Zealand. I saw how the kids just drew, or carved, or painted without hesitation and I realized how much we put art on a pedestal here in America. I realized that I was caging this need to tell stories. My experience teaching and living in the Maori village demanded documentation so I kept a journal and started editing video. When I returned from New Zealand, I decided not to teach so I could pursue my creative ideas. That was seven years ago. Since then I've had a few short movies screen at festivals, have a few essays published and I have tight manuscript completed about my time in New Zealand. I call the book a pet and teacher memoir sandwiched into a travel adventure, and I'm pitching it as a multi-media memoir since I will have dozens of shorts movies available to my readers. Pretty exciting stuff with the technology around these days.

I live in Portland, OR with three cats, a dog and my wife, Lori. One of the cats and the dog are transplants from New Zealand and Lori is the girl in my story (psssst! it's all in the book).

Biggest news these days is we have a son due in about 6 weeks!


My love of fly fishing and surfing connects me to rivers and the ocean. Time with water reminds me to pursue those silly little streams of thought that run rampant in my head.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by thecolour » March 3rd, 2010, 11:55 am

Hi everyone,

I'm Jordan and I live in the middle of nowhere in Northern Nevada. I'm a Land Surveyor at a very large gold mine, which isn't nearly as exciting as it sounds. I'm 22, I have terrible taste in music, I'm tattooed to the point where I'm nearly embarrassed to be around people, and I've been writing for about six years. I've finished an astonishing one story,albeit a novel, that I coincidentally ended up hating. I write YA comedy with a slight political edge and I'm about a third of the way into my second novel, though my mind is constantly pushing me towards the next epic teenage vampire series.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Nick » March 3rd, 2010, 1:20 pm

thecolour wrote: I'm a Land Surveyor at a very large gold mine, which isn't nearly as exciting as it sounds.
Dude I didn't even know we still mined gold in this country. That in and of itself is exciting to me.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Ryan » March 3rd, 2010, 1:43 pm

thecolour wrote:I'm a Land Surveyor at a very large gold mine, which isn't nearly as exciting as it sounds.
Classic. Have a B.S. in Geology. Somewhere in my files I have a paper about Disseminated Gold Deposits in Nevada. I'd imagine your job includes a lot of driving. Driving through awesome country with good tunes always gets the ideas flowing.
My love of fly fishing and surfing connects me to rivers and the ocean. Time with water reminds me to pursue those silly little streams of thought that run rampant in my head.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by JustineDell » March 3rd, 2010, 2:36 pm

Ryan wrote:
Biggest news these days is we have a son due in about 6 weeks!
That's wonderful Ryan! Congrats to you and your wife.


"Three things in life that, once gone, never return; Time, Words, & Opportunity"

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by bcomet » March 4th, 2010, 6:53 pm

Hi. I am a contemporary fantasy writer - the romantic archetypal story is my cup of tea.
I am an artist living in the mystical region of the Great Lakes.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by lightelement94 » March 5th, 2010, 7:29 pm

'ello. I'm an overly ambitious high school student from the New York area. Initially inspired by a deep love for anthropomorphic fantasy (not that I knew the term then), I spent several years writing a novel involving a lot of wolves before putting the third draft on hold to write my current story. I like to find a fantasy niche with just a twist on natural law, usually founded on some principal that would make John Milton or Phillip Pullman proud. My mind currently dwells in Victorian England, armed with some early Italian revolutionaries and a magician-turned-scientist-turned-magician.

This looks like a great place, I'm excited to have found it!
Republic of Lions| bloody brilliant

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