Optioning our novels

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Optioning our novels

Post by Coopspa » July 1st, 2015, 5:35 pm

Bestselling author here (crime thrillers are my genre). First time post, but I'm so excited about what me and a group of other authors (also bestsellers) have put together that I'm diving in. We have put together a newsletter that specifically goes out to film/TV producers and the major studios. Rather than hoping against hope that our agents will be able to land us an optioning deal, or that Hollywood will come knocking because some producer just happens to pick up our novel, we're taking our best stuff directly to them!

So, if you're an author who's been on a bestselling list (your novel needs to have a claim to fame in order to run in the newsletter), and you're interested in having your novel be seen by Hollywood producers, check out the website or send us an email to get more info. www.indiebookblast.com or indiebookblast <at> gmail <dot> com

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Re: Optioning our novels

Post by polymath » July 2nd, 2015, 11:52 am

A gmail e-mail account is problematic, says the firm is an amateur operation. Consider a professional domain, like options <at> indiebookblast <dot> com. The text of the website home page leaves me less than enthused, reads like a television commercial for a used car dealership or a "must-have" kitchen gadget. Some of the graphic content is problematic; for example, the "Author Page" graphic links cover up cover content. Page [title] content just is "Home." In all, I'm left wondering if the products offered live up to the boasts and wouldn't investigate further. Pass.
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