YouTube- the new blog?

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and promoting your book on the Internet
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YouTube- the new blog?

Post by mandilynnWRITES » July 16th, 2012, 9:52 pm

I'm a teen writer and currently working on getting my novel published, but to start building a following I make videos on YouTube since I'm not big on writing blogs. I do a series of videos called YA Ink (writing and publishing advice aimed toward other young writers like myself). The only problem I have is getting myself out there. I'm lucky if my videos exceed 100 views. Does anyone have any ideas of how to get my videos out there? I've thought about emailing people to see if they would like to post the video on their blog but since I'm not very familiar with blogging I'm not sure how things like that work.

Here's a sample video for anyone interested:

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Re: YouTube- the new blog?

Post by writersink » July 17th, 2012, 5:29 am

I would recommend simply getting yourself out there, and just becoming part of the writing community. Becoming a familiar face on people's blogs and they might become a familiar face on yours. Also, why are you "blogging?" To network, to make friends, (Nathan had a blog post about this I think.) To help others? Knowing this will help you get yourself out there (although I am weary of using those words.) In short, it takes time (I've heard around 6 months?) before you start building up a following. Enjoy the ride!

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Re: YouTube- the new blog?

Post by mandilynnWRITES » July 17th, 2012, 9:48 pm

Thanks, I'm defiantly going to be visiting other blogs that are similar to what I do. But I blog because I love helping other people with writing; especially when it's young author's like myself because I know how hard it can be to jump into the world of publishing.

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Re: YouTube- the new blog?

Post by LurkingVirologist » July 17th, 2012, 9:56 pm

This post came up very recently on one of the blogs I read regularly. I thought it gave a nice, succinct perspective on the topic. Ignore the doom-ey title :) ... -fail.html
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Re: YouTube- the new blog?

Post by Mira » July 17th, 2012, 10:03 pm

You know, this is a really good question.

What occurred to me is there are probably some other folks vloging about this too. They may be wondering the same thing. I might search out some vblogs on you-tube that are writing related.

I would also definitely check out nerdfighters and John Green, if you haven't already. John Green has a huge following of folks who read his books, and some may be interested in writing or writers.

I also think posting your vlogs on the social media thread here, and other places that let you post a link, may draw some folks.

And tumblr. That draws a young crowd and seems to intermingle with vlogs and videos. Maybe...?

I think what you are doing is really creative! Kudos :)

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Re: YouTube- the new blog?

Post by writersink » July 18th, 2012, 3:17 am

Mira wrote: I might search out some vblogs on you-tube that are writing related.
Vblogs! That's what they're called!The name slipped my mind and for some reason I kept thinking web-log :)

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