Blogfests - yea or nay?

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Rebecca Kiel
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Blogfests - yea or nay?

Post by Rebecca Kiel » February 1st, 2012, 2:45 pm

As I balance my time between writing, blogging, and the many other things I do in any given day, I am aware that I tend to not participate in blogfests. Some seem time consuming, others pretty fun.

Do you participate in blogfests?


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Re: Blogfests - yea or nay?

Post by CharleeVale » February 2nd, 2012, 11:40 am

Depends on what it is. I prefer to participate in launch tours, or ARC tours.


Sommer Leigh
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Re: Blogfests - yea or nay?

Post by Sommer Leigh » February 2nd, 2012, 1:57 pm

Sometimes. I like blogfests that are easy to do and fun. Interestingly enough, I tend to participate in blogfests that are different from what I usually write about. Sometimes it's nice to whip off a post about my favorite movies or board games. These are easy fun posts. Sometimes I just like to do something different!

It just depends. The more steps I have to take though, the less likely it is I will participate.
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Re: Blogfests - yea or nay?

Post by MattLarkin » February 2nd, 2012, 4:25 pm

In general no. I find less and less time for blogging, honestly. I did do Sommer's Monsterfest, which was cool. - freelance editing for fantasy and science fiction

Nicole R
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Re: Blogfests - yea or nay?

Post by Nicole R » February 3rd, 2012, 5:54 pm

I think blogfests can be helpful when launching a new blog or when you need a boost of new viewership. They can be pretty time intensive, so I try to only focus on a couple per year (full disclosure, I've only been blogging for about a year - haha).

Also, keep your expectations realistic. There's no way you can keep up with the 1.2 bazillion bloggers who might join the fest...and there's no way they're going to keep up with you either. I looked at my follower stats related to blogfests a little while back - I seemed to gain a handful of regular followers for each blogfest I did. The rest fell away over time.

P.S. Sommer's MonsterFest was, indeed, awesome.

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Re: Blogfests - yea or nay?

Post by trixie » February 6th, 2012, 12:33 pm

I've participated in a few blog fests. I've found I prefer the one day blog hops where everyone writes on a topic. The multi-day blog fests are a bit overwhelming to me.

Specifically, I'm thinking of the A-Z Blogfest in the month of April. This was a great way for me to kick off blogging and meet some new people, but it was time consuming.

I'm open to participating again, but right now, I can't help but feel they take away from time spent writing or reading.

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