Motivation or lack thereof...

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Motivation or lack thereof...

Post by charlotte49ers » April 20th, 2011, 2:15 pm

I've been so frustrated lately.

A few weeks ago I decided my WIP needed a total overhaul because my pacing was all wrong and the plot wasn't heading in the direction I wanted. I was about halfway through the planned end word count (for my first draft), but I didn't see the point in finishing it if I was just going to have to throw most of it away.

I was excited at first, but when the time came to actually DO the writing, I couldn't seem to get motivated. As it stands I've rewritten the first two pages. That's it.

I know I'll be able to recycle some scenes, but the thought of going backwards and beginning again makes me want to cry! It would be different if I were editing, but it's way more than that. I've opened up my document sooo many times only to close it. What is my issue? I really am excited about the story being told, but I'm overwhelmed.

What do you suggest? :-/

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Re: Motivation or lack thereof...

Post by Sommer Leigh » April 20th, 2011, 2:30 pm

Open up a chapter you have an idea of how you want to rewrite it. Don't think about rewriting the rest of it, just rewrite that one chapter. I've found that once I have one thing rewritten that is AWESOME and I'm all like "OH my god I write this? I'm amazing!" it is a lot easier to start tackling more.

I am a writer who can't keep writing when I know I'm going to change something so I end up doing a LOT of rewriting throughout my first draft. But when I come to the second draft, it is pretty polished and I end up only having to work on the real trouble spots.

Good luck. It is so daunting, but remember this is a good thing. It is good that you know how to make it better. It would be worse if you wrote the whole draft thinking it was great only to realize later it wasn't. That you can recognize where you need to change is a huge step.
May the word counts be ever in your favor.
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Re: Motivation or lack thereof...

Post by CharleeVale » April 20th, 2011, 2:42 pm

Print it out. I know it's a lot of paper, but it always helps me when I can sit in the middle of the floor, the pages spread all around, and I'm able to mark up, circle cross out, and crumple up anything I want to. There's something gratifying about it. Then, when you go to your document, you'll actually have something to change.


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Re: Motivation or lack thereof...

Post by oldhousejunkie » April 20th, 2011, 4:15 pm

Baby steps. I'm having a major lack of motivation when it comes to 1.) editing my MS and 2.) putting the finishing touches on a few premise changes that I have made to it.

Over a week ago, I promised myself that I would edit one chapter a night. So far, I've only missed three days and I have accomplished so much that I am getting excited about fixing the premise changes. One night I even edited a chapter and finished another chapter that I was revising. But mostly, I'm too tired for that sort of thing, so I figure I will continue my editing schedule and will eventually get to the parts that I want to re-write. And then on to the next...!

Hang in there. Maybe even contemplate taking a break. I took a two week break (from writing, blogging, and even reading about writing) and came back feeling much better. I don't know about you, but being on forums and reading blogs puts this sense of urgency in me and it's hard to just relax and do what I need to do. So try not to let it get to you and keep writing.

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Re: Motivation or lack thereof...

Post by charlotte49ers » April 21st, 2011, 1:53 pm


Yes, I'm sure trying to just chunk it into small pieces would help. I keep looking at the whole thing and want to cry! No one said this stuff was easy, huh? :D Thanks!

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Re: Motivation or lack thereof...

Post by dios4vida » April 22nd, 2011, 1:42 pm

charlotte49ers wrote:*sigh*

Yes, I'm sure trying to just chunk it into small pieces would help. I keep looking at the whole thing and want to cry! No one said this stuff was easy, huh? :D Thanks!
First of all, I think you need some cookies. Go get some and enjoy them. Don't think about your WIP while you eat them - just enjoy the cookies.

There, don't you feel better now?

I totally concur with the advice of tackling a chapter at a time and also printing it out. I do both of these when I have to rewrite and it's incredibly helpful. I also make an outline of the plot and then make notes on the outline. Sometime distilling the novel into something shorter & more linear can help it seem less intimidating.

Take it one step at a time, charlotte49ers. It's a big job but you can definitely do it. Even if you have to rewrite the thing one sentence at a time, you'll get it done.
Brenda :)

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Mike Dickson
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Re: Motivation or lack thereof...

Post by Mike Dickson » April 22nd, 2011, 3:45 pm

Ignore it and keep writing; the motivation will find itself again.

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