The Introduction Thread

New member introductions, suggestions for the Forums, questions about posting, and important announcements.
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Smileydog » February 11th, 2011, 5:35 pm

Hi, I'm experimenting with this place. I think I'm replying specifically to a posting by a fellow from Winnipeg. If this works, then I have a question, do all those folks who sit on the curb on Portage st. (been a while, perhaps I'm remembering the street name wrong), sit there freezing their butts off in January?

One of my all time favorite moments in a bar happened in Winnipeg. I'd love to share it with you, it's cute.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Margo » February 11th, 2011, 6:07 pm

Many welcomes to recent arrivals. We don't have a welcome wagon, per se, but several of us pop over to the thread now and again to let newcomers know the weather is fair, the water is fine, and nobody bites. It's been a bit slow around here for a few days, though, so the welcomes are a bit on the late side. Apologies all around and virtual cookies in the virtual lobby. :)
Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, and hot Norse elves.

Down the well
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Down the well » February 11th, 2011, 6:16 pm

Margo wrote:and nobody bites.
This from an urban fantasy writer? I am so disappointed. :P

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Margo » February 11th, 2011, 8:34 pm

Down the well wrote:
Margo wrote:and nobody bites.
This from an urban fantasy writer? I am so disappointed. :P
Well, not other writers anyway! That would make me a cannibal, and even I have a limit to my ebil.
Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, and hot Norse elves.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by GaoYuQing » February 17th, 2011, 3:32 pm

I feel a little sheepish for missing this intro topic. Once I learned about this forum I was chomping at the bit and as soon as Nathan gave me access I dove headlong into the feedback section. I’m excited to be here as there seems to be actual interaction and support given to eachother among the posters and I’m starved for feedback on my MS. Been told good things by everyone who’s read even portions of it, but maybe I’m skeptical.
I’m 34 next week, currently a microbiologist at a company that ties up 90% of my available waking hours between actual work and commute time, leaving the rest for family (wife and a 5.5-year old daughter) and home and none for writing. v.v Which is frustrating really as that’s really what I’d like to do these days. Got story lines and notes bulging at the seam waiting to be put on paper. When virtually every song you hear on the radio makes you envision your characters in action…but what can you do?
I’ve had 2-3 poems (forget how many now) published in publications, but I don’t count those as meaningful as they’d publish the writings of a chimp if they thought that the author might be willing to shell out the money to buy a tome just so they could see their work in print. Aside from that never thought I could write until I started doing so in a rp forum online several years ago, which led to my effectively running that forum until the owner quit, then taking the characters I’d created and seen and putting them to paper.
After losing my job during the summer of 09 I started working on a new work, very personal. At times I think the only reason I didn’t go the way of my protagonist was so that I could continue to write that book. I finished it a little more than a year later just in time to get full-time employment at my current job. Even if I never get it published, knowing I actually finished it will be a point of pride for me for the rest of my life.
Happy to be here and meet y’all. :)

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Collectonian » February 17th, 2011, 6:50 pm

Another newbie :-)

I'm Collectonian, also known as Summer in the real world (no point hiding it since it is easily googleable LOL). I'm in my early 30s, a web developer by career, and currently an unpublished novelist with two completed novels in the editing process for submission. I began writing in middle school, though never got beyond 1-3 chapters until 2008 when I finally finished my first novel during NaNoWriMo. I've since written another and am working on editing both. My 2010 NaNo hit the 50k mark but is still unfinished as my characters can't seem to decide how it ends just yet. All of my stories tend to revolve around a central theme of 'love' in some form or another. I guess most tend to be romance, as well, though not in the conventional or categorical sense. Of my three active projects, one is a single-title romance, one a young adult supernatural romance, and one an contemporary fantasy with only secondary romantic elements. A longer term WIP I've been working on is a high fantasy. I've written some poetry but it isn't worth reading, seriously. I love to write, and run several blogs to feed that love in addition to my novel work.

For the general intro, I'm in my early 30s and share my house with 3 dogs and 1 cat. I have a super supportive boyfriend who is just plain awesome. I love photography and have thousands of pictures up on Flickr. I'm an avid player of video games, read voraciously, and love to cook and bake; I also sporadically enjoy gardening, oil painting, and would love to learn how to do some basic carpentry for DIY projects. I collect Painted Ponies and other horse figurines, Beanie Babies (I'm dated), swords, and random Hello Kitty items. :-) I can also be rather long winded. :-P

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Margo » February 18th, 2011, 11:26 am

GaoYuQing wrote:I feel a little sheepish for missing this intro topic.
Don't sweat it. I never posted an intro. Cultivating an aura of mystery.

GaoYuQing wrote:Been told good things by everyone who’s read even portions of it, but maybe I’m skeptical.
A natural, healthy reaction, but don't be too resistant to belief.

Welcome aboard.
Collectonian wrote:...and random Hello Kitty items. :-)
Oooh. Sweet (she says with her 'Hello Kitty wearing a leopard print hoody' key-cover in her pocket and her black vampire bat Halloween stuffed Hello Kitty on her desk).
Collectonian wrote:I can also be rather long winded. :-P
Oh, well, you're in the right place then.
Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, and hot Norse elves.

Sommer Leigh
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Sommer Leigh » February 18th, 2011, 12:59 pm

Margo wrote:Many welcomes to recent arrivals. We don't have a welcome wagon, per se, but several of us pop over to the thread now and again to let newcomers know the weather is fair, the water is fine, and nobody bites. It's been a bit slow around here for a few days, though, so the welcomes are a bit on the late side. Apologies all around and virtual cookies in the virtual lobby. :)
I am really good about coming over here for a few days and then I forget. And then I get better. And then I forget. I should not be captain of the wagon. Maybe the girl who passes out the complimentary beverages and peanuts.

Welcome everyone! Don't be afraid to just jump right in. All comments are merrily accpeted, even when we get a bit rowdy over certain topics, it is all in good nature and we always come out of every conversation as friends. I think that is what sets the Bransforums head and shoulders above most other forums. Pick a topic that interests you and comment, or start one of your own. Good luck!
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by lesaicherrej » February 20th, 2011, 6:01 pm


Hello to my fellow writers! I have been writing for almost ten years, but the stories have been gathering in my head my entire life. Last summer I made a commitment to myself that I was going to focus on my writing. It is my passion. I love to read and write but find the next step very scary, overwhelming and exciting. The next step is of course, to try to get my book published. I have a completed middle-grade fantasy novel titled "Flight". I have queried and have got the normal form rejections but right now I have a full out with an agent. I plan to continue to write while I query and blog! Oh and I do all of this while juggling my two kids and my wonderful husband! Life gets crazy sometimes, but I embrace the ups and the downs as best I can. I have more ideas for MG but plan to go to YA and I hope to finish a literary fiction novel that I have outlined one day. I write what inspires me and love being inspired. I am surrounded by support of family and friends but am alone in my writing journey. I am looking to learn and grow from this amazing resource.
Trying to balance being a mom, wife and writer; sometimes I can't do it all.
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by craig » February 21st, 2011, 1:41 pm

Smileydog wrote:Hi, I'm experimenting with this place. I think I'm replying specifically to a posting by a fellow from Winnipeg. If this works, then I have a question, do all those folks who sit on the curb on Portage st. (been a while, perhaps I'm remembering the street name wrong), sit there freezing their butts off in January?

One of my all time favorite moments in a bar happened in Winnipeg. I'd love to share it with you, it's cute.
Hello! I'm still around... just more of a lurker than anything else!

I kind of avoid Portage and the downtown-ish area mostly... but I know from when I went to university (on Portage) that there are many individuals who sit there all year round... Frigid temperatures doesn't stop Winnipeggers from doing anything... :-P

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by J. T. SHEA » February 21st, 2011, 5:51 pm

May I commend Margo and Down the well and the others who have crewed the metaphorical welcome wagon here, and second (third? fourth?) their greetings to all newcomers. I never posted an intro here myself, but you'll get (more than!?) enough of me elsewhere in these Bransforums.

Now, metaphorical though it may be, maybe this welcome wagon has a V8. Where's the gas pedal? Margo and Sommer, hold onto those virtual cookies and beverages and peanuts!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by bkloss » February 24th, 2011, 5:29 pm

So apparently I'm with GaoYuQing in missing the intro thread. I'm still a relative newbie and I LOVE these forums! It's awesome 'seeing' all of you writers on here. I suddenly don't feel so alone anymore. Yet I am alone. So very, very alone.

I've learned so much from you all already...and I hope I can adequately pay back some of the advice I've received. I apologize in advance for any forum faux pas. ;) Still learning.

And thanks Nathan for giving us the opportunity!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Margo » February 24th, 2011, 9:33 pm

bkloss wrote:I apologize in advance for any forum faux pas. ;) Still learning.
Welcome, bkloss! I think you'll find the forumites around here pride ourselves on being a pretty civilized bunch who know how to debate and disagree without flaming one another, so I would be surprised if anyone took you to task for an innocent faux pas. That's what many of us love about this forum. Relax and enjoy. Virtual cookies and virtual punch served on the virtual veranda promptly at three o'clock, am/pm/time zone unimportant.
Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, and hot Norse elves.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by bkloss » February 25th, 2011, 12:01 pm

Oh fabulous! I'll bring some virtual cocktails. ;)

Amy B
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Amy B » February 25th, 2011, 7:01 pm

Hi! I just joined after following Nathan's blog for a long time. I figured I was probably missing out some great discussions, so I went ahead and registered and am looking foward to checking things out! :)

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