Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

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Jessica Peter
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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by Jessica Peter » November 26th, 2010, 10:56 pm

Nope, not really. The adult award-winners are usually "literary", and I generally only read "commercial" (and non-fic). As for the YA books I read, I may notice an award, but I wouldn't pick it up because of it.

The only possible exception would be genre-based awards, like the RT Book Reviews awards. Those, I may at least give a closer look because they are award winners.
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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by Fenris » December 1st, 2010, 12:42 pm

If a book I'm reading has won an award, the only response that typically evokes in me is "Cool" before I keep reading. It doesn't really affect the reading experience, which is what I'm reading for. Now, if I'm looking to educate myself on how to write, typically the books I pull off the shelf are award-winners. They must have been doing something right to win the award, so I figure I'll learn more from them. Since my genre is YA, I usually find myself flipping to random pages in the later Harry Potter books to see if I can pick up writing tips--and those were certainly award-winners, though perhaps not of the more prestigious, literary ones.
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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by esmith1 » January 9th, 2011, 6:58 pm

Not necessarily. I often buy books based on reviews that I read, and recommendations.

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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by Leila » January 19th, 2011, 3:57 pm

Not so much. I tend to go off people's referrals, or a title that catches my eye whilst browsing online and leads me to seek further information, or reading more books of authors I enjoy.

Some of my choices come down to time though. I certainly wouldn't mind reading books that have won awards, I just don't seek them out.

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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by jrosemary » January 27th, 2011, 10:32 pm

No. I base my choices on the recommendations of family and friends plus the reviews and smalltalk at Goodreads.

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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by ddegreeff » February 1st, 2011, 8:38 pm

If I walk into a book store looking for a random purchase, more often than not I can be won over by an award winner. The reason for this is easy: reading a book is a big investment in time spent, and there are a lot of garbage books out there. Read all the jacket descriptions you want, a cool cover and a decent idea is no guarantee of quality -- at least with a badge on the front, I can be reasonably sure it isn't going to be terrible.
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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by tanvi02 » February 8th, 2011, 1:28 am

yes, i generally get fascinated with those books that have either won awards and i son the bestseller lists or a book that has been recommended by lots and lots of people...i do not pick any random book...i picka nd read only those that have been chosen by many as a book worth a read...

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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by sarahdee » February 10th, 2011, 12:43 am

Not necessarily the award but if it made the list then I might be more likely to read. This is just good bookstore marketing; if they have a nice display of books shortlisted for the ...award then often I'll have a browse and maybe pick up a title by an author I had not previously heard of and might have bypassed in their usual section.

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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by rosepetal720 » April 11th, 2011, 11:25 am

I usually only read books that either have won awards or people are raving about because even though I might be missing out on good books that aren't getting much attention, at least I'm not as likely to waste my time on a bad book.
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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by stephsco » April 19th, 2011, 5:45 pm

It can sway me toward a decision but I still need to be interested in the topic or storyline. Just today, I looked at Amazon for one of the recently announced Pulitzer winners, and I could tell by the synopsis and a handful of reviews that the book is not for me.

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Re: Are you more likely to buy a book that won an award?

Post by siftbookreviews » May 5th, 2011, 12:49 am

If I'm on the fence about buying a book (and I don't have Goodreads handy to check my friends' reviews of it) an award may push me over the edge to purchase the book. These awards say to me: "Someone who has no monetary or emotional interest in the success of this book thinks it's great, so it probably doesn't totally suck."
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