Editor's "indefinite hiatus"

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Editor's "indefinite hiatus"

Post by Delible » October 19th, 2010, 11:35 am

I have a manuscript for a memoir that a contracted professional and competent editor helped me develop and format. This editor has advised submitting it and has repeatedly suggested that it might catch the eye of an agent for a conventional publisher. Two months ago, it suddenly became impossible to communicate with the editor about the final draft of my synopsis. The agency through which I originally made the contact ascribes an official "indefinite hiatus" to a severe medical situation.

What might the next move be? I would like to move the project forward.


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Truth and Fiction
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Re: Editor's "indefinite hiatus"

Post by Truth and Fiction » October 20th, 2010, 10:51 am

So this was an editor you paid to help work on your book, right? It sounds like you take your current manuscript (if you do believe it's ready) and start to search for an agent. That would be your next step whether or not this editor was on an "indefinite hiatus" anyway.

If you haven't received all the services that you paid for from this editor, then that's a separate issue. (And I have to say that without additional details, the whole thing sounds fishy). I say forget the editor and, if your memoir is ready, start querying agents.

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Re: Editor's "indefinite hiatus"

Post by Mira » October 21st, 2010, 10:15 pm

I agree with Truth and Fiction. If you didn't get complete editing services, you should either get a refund, or another editor with that agency should help you. Once it's done, go for it and query! :)

Sorry to hear about the editor and their illness, but good luck to you!

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