Forum game: Random facts about you

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by cheekychook » August 31st, 2010, 1:22 am

elfspirit wrote:Every day wild turkeys march through my back yard (I live on the edge of a forest), with several chicks in tow. I always stop whatever I'm doing, especially if it's writing, to watch them. Yesterday the babies practiced flying. This has proven to b e my most effective procrastination technique all summer.

I fully understand the shark terror, although I swim in the ocean every chance I get.
I live in the middle of the woods in New England, and parades of wild turkeys are a common occurrence, but this summer they've been out of hand. I often have to stop the car while 30 or 40 of them cross the road, single file. Unless you want a turkey massacre you have to wait patiently for them all to cross, because if you try to inch past them they will all panic and begin crossing back to the original side of the road.

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Lillian Grant » August 31st, 2010, 4:03 am

I can't write in silence. My mind wanders off and won't come back. I usually sit on the sofa with my laptop on my lap and the TV blaring in the corner. If my husband asks me what the movie is about I never have a clue.

I got so shocked when I realised what Sweeny Todd was going to do to Mrs Lovett at the end of the movie I screamed a very very bad word very loudly. I think it eased the tension..the other dozen of so people in the cinema laughed at me. I died of shame and humiliation. My son still says it was the most fun he ever had in the cinema. The boy needs to get out more. :)

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Beethovenfan » September 2nd, 2010, 3:36 pm

Skunks. I live in the Pacific Northwest and no matter where you go there are skunks. One whiff and I'm off whatever I was doing to go stuff my nose in a pillow.

Random facts:
I am a pianist.
For 3 years I was the Cub Master for my son's Cub Scout unit.
Scrabble is my favorite board game.
In high school I was paranoid of toilets. I always put toilet paper in the water first to cover the hole for fear there was a hidden camera. Sick I know.
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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Mgrimit » September 10th, 2010, 5:25 am

Oh my God I know about the skunks! I'm in Oregon and I swear, every time I drive on a back highway or even a busy one that's near any sort of forest I can smell one, because it decided to be stupid and get run over. It leaks through the vents and stinks up my whole car. Skunks, now there's an animal I can't find a use for. Like mosquitoes.

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Louise Curtis » September 24th, 2010, 8:01 pm

I'm not just scared of sharks, I'm scared of fish. Any fish. (Well, any fish in the water with me. They're so wonderfully alien.) Also seaweed. If it touches my leg, I scream and run for the sand. Someday I'll cause a mass panic that way.
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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Margo » September 25th, 2010, 8:58 pm

cheekychook wrote:I live in the middle of the woods in New England, and parades of wild turkeys are a common occurrence, but this summer they've been out of hand. I often have to stop the car while 30 or 40 of them cross the road, single file. Unless you want a turkey massacre you have to wait patiently for them all to cross, because if you try to inch past them they will all panic and begin crossing back to the original side of the road.

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by craig » September 25th, 2010, 10:06 pm

Random Facts:
- When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be a bear.
- I'm 27, but have been mistaken for 15 twice in the past three months. (And I'm regularly mistaken for 17-19.)
- To keep this book-related... Whenever someone talks about the book Freakonomics, I can't help but think of an older drunk Asian man in a Scottish hostel who gave me his cold. (Explanation below.)
- I accidentally set a grease fire on my stove and almost set the kitchen on fire while making french fries. I no longer make french fries.
- I blame evil sheep for me getting lost for half a day on a tiny tiny tiny Scottish island. (I followed what I thought was a walking path, but it was actually a path made by tons of sheep. It led me into kinda dangerous areas and then I was totally lost.)

The Freakonomics story...
It was a rainy evening at the Fort William Backpackers Hostel -- Fort William *is* the rainiest place in the UK, after all. I was in the common room with two Israeli girls I had been travelling on and off with for a couple weeks. Also in the room was an Asian man with a very bad cold, who was about 35-40 years old that none of us knew. He looked over at us, looking kind of lonely. I noticed he was reading Freakonomics -- and since I used to work in a bookstore, I was sort of familiar with it. Since he looked like he was looking for someone to talk about, I asked him about the book. He got all excited explaining it to me. As the evening went on (and after some drinking and some card games), he got closer and closer, telling me more and more about the book, and put his arm around me. The Israeli girls enjoyed watching this -- when the man was out of the room, they nudged me and suggested I go for it. Anyway, it got late, so we all head to bed. I quickly found out that not only is this man in the same hostel room as me, but he's on the bottom half of my bunk. Next morning, he's gone and I've got the worst cold and sore throat I've had in a long time...

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Heather B » September 29th, 2010, 1:36 am

Random fact about a Blue Tongue: they have sharp teeth.

Random fact about me: I just got bitten. :(
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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Guardian » September 29th, 2010, 7:33 pm

Random facts:
- Because of my name, 8 out of 10 people used to believe I'm the Director of Mephisto.
- I never learned drawing, yet it's my second profession. I always create concept arts for all my works in 2D and 3D.
- I always listen music when I write.
- Originally I wanted to be a fighter pilot.
- I broke an entire glass table with my head when I was 12 as I fallen into it from the stairs. The cut above my left eyebrow from that incident is my little trademark.
- I almost lost my right pinky because the doctor misdiagnosed the bone fracture. If the other doctor would not notice the mistake two weeks later, I would have four fingers now on my right hand.
- I believe in U.F.O.s because I already saw few in the last years.
- People used to believe I'm working for the Secret Service or the Intelligence Agency (I don't know why. :) ).

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Moni12 » October 1st, 2010, 7:36 pm

Random fact: I've been considering a new form of afterlife where we're reincarnated on other planets and that's where aliens come from.

No, folks, I'm not crazy and yes, I'm serious.

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Remmik » October 2nd, 2010, 12:16 pm

Random fact: I'm the only female in my family not allergic to latex.

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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Anobile1 » October 4th, 2010, 4:26 am

Random Fact: While most people get the winter blues, I get the summer blues. I'm totally useless from about mid-July to the end of September >_> (Also why I've been gone from these forums since July... I haven't written a thing.)

Also, I like chewing on dry pasta.
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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by dios4vida » October 26th, 2010, 6:43 pm

I think it's hilarious when people shorten my screenname and call me "Dios." (No offense to those who've done it, I understand that not everyone knows Spanish!) My screenname is Spanglish - "dios" (God) 4 "vida" (life).

So when people shorten it up and call me "Dios" they're calling me God. :-P
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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Evelyn » November 4th, 2010, 12:48 pm

Three random facts about me:

1) I have six cats. Yeah - verging on being a crazy cat lady!

2) I play the classical guitar. Wonderful, beautiful instrument. I study with a great teacher, and I perform in a duo. Fun stuff. Our duo website is:

3) Two years ago on a trip down the Amazon, I swallowed a mouthful of very suspect witch-doctor potion that tasted like burning rubber and just about reamed out a second esophagus for me. I'm still waiting for one of two things: an enormous bucket of gold coins to show up on my front porch; or for my on-again off-again stomachaches to be dianosed as tapeworm.


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Re: Forum game: Random facts about you

Post by Jenemb » November 10th, 2010, 10:57 pm

Random facts:

1. I have walked up a volcano.

3. When I was seven I scratched my sister's initials into my dad's bar, to get her into trouble. It didn't work.

4. When I was five I was bilingual. Now I'm not. :(

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