What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

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What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Tycoon » September 27th, 2010, 12:39 pm

Just got over the stomach flu... barfed way too much...

I ate cinnamon coffee cake that morning...it hurt coming up and tasted aweful... I put it right up there with puking up frosted mini wheats when I was in high school...So, what is the worst, most disgusting, most painful thing you ever barfed up?

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Margo » September 27th, 2010, 4:23 pm

ROTFLMAO. I had to log in just to answer this one.

Frosted animal crackers. I can't even look at those things now.
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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Harper Karcz » September 27th, 2010, 4:54 pm

This cracks me up!

For me, it was Japanese eggplant curry, eaten at 5 AM on my 24th birthday, after a long night of karaoke and wine in Tokyo.

I threw it up not only at three different subway stations (had to keep getting on and off the train), but also a few hours later, on a bullet train speeding across the country to Kyoto.

My husband knows he can still make me nauseous just by saying the name of the curry shop: Pot & Pot.
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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Holly » September 27th, 2010, 5:21 pm

Tycoon, glad you're still with us.

I had a throw-up marathon from Cairo to Paris, but I can't remember what I threw up... airplane Coca-Cola and something horrible that I ate for breakfast in Egypt. Just the memory of it makes me want to hang my head out a window.

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Tycoon » September 27th, 2010, 5:35 pm


I forgot to mention my bad karma in here too... I must have done something wrong to piss someone off... Remember it was cinnamon coffee cake...

So my beautiful wife decides to get me up on my feet again, you know, with the BRAT program. For those of you who don't know BRAT = Bananna's, rice, apples, toast. So anyways the wife brings me in some applesauce and I just apple die from the smell... I had forgotton that I went grocery shopping last and bought cinnamon flavored applesauce instead of the normal stuff.

Oh.. also... can you guess what type of air freshener I have hanging in my truck? I drove the wifes van after almost hurling in my truck when I opened the door. Its funny how ones senses are attune to a bad experience!

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Holly » September 27th, 2010, 6:25 pm

One more travel story.

Years ago, my baby brother and I hiked through Mexico and Guatemala to see the Mayan ruins and visit Indian textile markets in the mountains (yes, hiked, like the three hikers who were arrested and thrown into prison in Iran).

My brother spoke fluent Spanish, and I didn’t speak a word, and he wouldn’t translate anything. He looked down on me because I wasn’t “one with the people.”

One night we were eating dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. We were the only customers in there, just us gringos. A stray cat came in to beg at our table. I don’t remember what my brother ordered, but I ordered the shrimp with rice.

I should have invested fifteen bucks in a Lonely Planet guidebook because a lot of restaurants in poor countries are reluctant to throw out meat that goes bad, plus we were a million miles from the seacoast, so that shrimp was probably old, baby, old. I gave half my shrimp to the cat and always wondered if I killed it.

Fast forward through a gross food poisoning scene.

When I staggered out of bed two days later, my brother said, “I don’t know if I should tell you this.” “Tell me what?” “You know the cook with the orange face in the Chinese restaurant? Well, when he found out I’m in medical school, he started to tell me all his symptoms, and he thinks he has hepatitis. I wasn’t going to tell you because I didn’t want to upset you.” (Yes, he's a doctor now)

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by craig » September 27th, 2010, 6:40 pm

I'm enjoying this thread.

I never throw up... I think the last time was almost 17 years ago...

But, lemme tell ya, if you accidentally eat a piece of hot pepper in your stirfry and it burns like hell going down your throat... it'll burn like hell when it comes out the other end the next day. I thought I was seriously ill. Most painful poop ever.

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Regan Leigh » September 27th, 2010, 6:43 pm

Chili. Need I say more? That was just horrid.

And you all are reminding me of the worst flu I ever had on my first overseas trip to London and Paris. I had a few days in London (where I caught some mutant flu bug) and by the end of my week in Paris I felt like death. I had a few more days in London before flying home and I still hate the smell of certain laundry detergents because they remind me of the scent in a flat I stayed in. That was the worst 10 hour flight home. Ever.

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Regan Leigh » September 27th, 2010, 6:44 pm

LOL Craig... This thread is hilariously disgusting.

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by cheekychook » September 28th, 2010, 12:23 am

Tequila, lots of it, out of a moving taxicab---not my proudest moment overall, but somehow comforting to know that even that drunk I'm still conscientious enough that I opened the door first.

And craig, please, knock on wood---don't tempt the universe with statements like that!

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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by HillaryJ » September 28th, 2010, 12:55 am

Curry and chili. Eww.

For me it was strawberries, mostly because I thought I wasn't just sick. I thought I was dying of something horrible, like strawberry-scented Ebola.
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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Evelyn » October 12th, 2010, 10:46 pm

HillaryJ wrote: like strawberry-scented Ebola
That made me laugh out loud.

Okay, my worst barf experience:

We were on a Holland America cruise to Alaska about seventeen years ago. There were five of us crammed into a tiny cabin, my husband, myself, and our three kids. Daughter starts barfing. Not nice in a little place. I had to clean it up. Then, of course, I start barfing. Then baby, then husband, then son. GADS! It was horrible. All of us barfing our guts out in that little space. We call it "The night of the living barf" and we still joke about it.

I bet that somewhere, Holland America has a list that says, "Do not under any circumstances allow this family aboard a ship. Ever."


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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by sierramcconnell » October 13th, 2010, 4:37 pm

There are certain instances I can remember because I don't throw up often.

I was in third grade, I had the stomach flu. It came out my nose, whatever it was, because I thought I could keep from throwing up if I shut my mouth tight. Yeah, no, it finds a way out.
I was in seventh grade, I had food poisoning. It was red jello. I eat red jello when I'm sick because it makes me feel better.
I was in eleventh grade(?), I had the sinus\ear infection + bronchitis + tonsil infection thing that had me basically bed ridden. I threw up, voided, and passed out. I had a high fever. I believe it was red jello then, too. And toast. I just remember being really thirsty and instead of going to the bathroom, I went all the way downstairs and was wandering around in delierium at the trash can, then went to clean up and that's where my parents found me, crying.
In 2007, I had a tonselectomy, I took too much hydrocodone and of course I was on a liquid diet. I was about to pass out and thought to try and eat Slim Fast. It came up lumpy and half-digested with stomach acid. It was...weird.

Those are the only times I've thrown up. Otherwise, I have a tough tummy.
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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by Erica75 » October 15th, 2010, 9:42 am

I thought for sure I'd open this thread and it would be about a bad writing experience - like, thrown up on the screen. By the time I got to Evelyn, my eyes were watering from laughing and I had to wait to type this!!

I've taught preschool for 14 years, so nothing can make me throw up now. But I got food poisoning at a restaurant in Chicago on the FIRST NIGHT of my honeymoon (way back when) and we couldn't leave the hotel room for 3 days, missing our plane and, well, everything. Went back home after I could at least handle the car ride.
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Re: What is the worst thing you have ever thrown up?

Post by abc » October 15th, 2010, 9:52 am

My fave topic! I was vomiting all 9 months of pregnancy, so I threw up a lot of stuff, but THE ABSOLUTE WORST were those soy hot dog bites. Nasty. I ate a lot of rice krispies because they were the least terrible thing to have come back.

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