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Post by sierramcconnell » September 16th, 2010, 10:16 am

I think I have a problem.

And it is my book.

No, it's not a problem in my book. It's a problem with my book. It's a problem that I carry it with me. Work on it in the morning. Work on it at night. Work on it at lunch. And work on it between jobs at work when I'm multitasking.

When I'm not working on it, I want to work on it. I think about how I could be working on it.

I don't get burned out. My eyes burn, but my brain doesn't.

I itch to write. I itch to work. I itch to edit and to create.

I can't stop. I can't go to bed. I can't sleep. I wake up in the middle of the morning (4:10am), hungry, and ready to write.

I have been given pills to help me with headaches and they've actually got a pretty potent sedative affect. They helped for three days. Then I was back at it.

This is serious, I think. But I'm not tired. I feel renewed. Alive. Overjoyed.

I should be exhausted and drained. Not dying to get back to the book and twitching to read more of the same book I've read countless times. But I can't wait to polish it "just one more time" and send it out to "just a few more people" for that final sparkle.

Is this the curse of a writer?

Am I...mad?
I'm on Tumblr!

The blog died...but so did I...and now I'm alive again! OMG.

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Re: Obsession...

Post by Quill » September 16th, 2010, 10:33 am

Be grateful.

If you have the time and energy, go for it.

This, too, shall pass. The project will complete, your energy will change, you will look back with amazement.

For now, ride the wave.

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Re: Obsession...

Post by wildheart » September 16th, 2010, 3:04 pm

I agree with Quill. If you have the time and energy to work on your book...then by all means work on it. Don't worry about your sanity (or lack thereof). Don't worry about your "obsession". Don't worry about anything but making your book as good as it can be so you can send it out again. Then, when you have exhausted your list of agents forget about it and work on your next project until you hear back. Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I know the advice is easier said then done.
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Re: Obsession...

Post by J. T. SHEA » September 16th, 2010, 3:41 pm

Sierramcconnell, you've clearly got a case of Reverse Writer's Block (RWB), a diagnosis I've just invented. When they put it in the DSM medical manual, I'll suggest naming it after you. Sierra Syndrome!

If it's any consolation, most of us would give our right arms to have your curse. If we're left-handed. Left arm if we're right-handed. I mean we do need something to write with...

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Re: Obsession...

Post by taylormillgirl » September 16th, 2010, 3:49 pm

OMG, that's fabulous. Embrace the obsession. I was just like you last month--plunking down anywhere from 2k-5k words per day. I couldn't get enough--couldn't stop thinking about my story. Then I went on vacation and got out of my groove, and I can't get back in. Now the question is how to become obsessed once again.
Author of hot & humorous romances, debut novel coming in 2012 from Sourcebooks!

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Re: Obsession...

Post by Ermo » September 16th, 2010, 4:50 pm

Somebody on here posted a link to Stephanie Meyer's blog and a post she made about how she wrote Twilight. Your post here sounds a lot like what she wrote. I think every writer has those moments. Enjoy it.

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