Booksie - Good, Bad, Ugly?

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Emily J
Posts: 250
Joined: March 31st, 2010, 2:20 pm

Booksie - Good, Bad, Ugly?

Post by Emily J » August 24th, 2010, 4:57 pm

So I recently decided to create a profile on Booksie and posted a small excerpt from an older manuscript I have completed.

At first, I was excited about the prospect of sharing my work with a large readership. However, loading problems, formatting issues, and the search parameters of the site quickly dampened my enthusiasm. Now granted I didn't put much effort into my profile, but I am already debating deleting it from the website.

Is it just me? Has anyone else experimented with the site? Is there a server issue or a operating system compatibility issue?

And aside from just the technical concerns, it seems like it is actually hard to find things that aren't "popular." I managed to scroll through and read quite a few worthwhile novels and excerpts that had few to no comments. Is the only way to get popular the sort of blatant quid pro quo I saw on the site? I already have a nagging suspicion I am simply not talented at the sort of self promotion it takes to get views on the site. Some people have a knack for describing themselves and their work. Not so much with me. I tend to either say not enough, or get excited and ramble on like a crazy person.

If someone already posted a thread on Booksie I apologize but I was just trying to see what others thought about the site.

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Re: Booksie - Good, Bad, Ugly?

Post by Quill » August 24th, 2010, 5:41 pm

What is Booksie?

Could you post a link?

Emily J
Posts: 250
Joined: March 31st, 2010, 2:20 pm

Re: Booksie - Good, Bad, Ugly?

Post by Emily J » August 24th, 2010, 5:56 pm

So Booksie is a website for writers where you can post excerpts - short stories, poetry, even chapters of a novel. Readers can comment and like and track authors they are interested in.

Here is the link:

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