CP for Queer Historical Fiction

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Joined: February 14th, 2023, 10:28 am

CP for Queer Historical Fiction

Post by Jsmproductions » February 14th, 2023, 11:00 am

Hi all,

I’ve recently finished the third draft of my novel. It’s a queer historical novel set in the 1920s and I’d like to send it to a beta reader. Is there anyone interested in this genre who might be interested in reading it?

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Joined: March 9th, 2023, 7:45 pm

Re: CP for Queer Historical Fiction

Post by PNWMoonWrite » March 9th, 2023, 10:01 pm

Hello, I might be interested. Would you critique my memoir, not Beta read? Also, who are your favorite authors? What are you currently reading?

I'm writing a memoir about raising my queer, nonbinary kid, trying to figure out why they became estranged, how I persisted, and eventually managed to restore contact. I'm well into it, but not finished yet—probably will need to cut a lot. I'm looking for frank, honest, constructive feedback delivered in a courteous, kind way, to support my aim of raising the MS to publishable quality.

I'm willing to provide the same for another writer. Ideally, you would also be a serious, reliable, committed writer who is also writing a long-form work--whether CNF or Fic. We could exchange MS and critiques via email, unless you have a better idea, and have the option of video calls to discuss the work.

Some of my favorite authors include: Grace Paley, Ann Patchett, Zadie Smith, Margaret Atwood, Haruki Murakami, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Anne Enright, Jeanette Winterson, Elizabeth Strout, David Sedaris, Rivka Galchen, and many more.

I write every day and I'm always reading at least 1 book, The Atlantic, and New Yorker magazines, have an MFA, have participated in workshops, groups, and partnerships, and published ~12 pieces. My critiques have helped others publish.



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