Looking for long-term critique partner

Critique partners are worth their weight in gold. So (checking financial page) like $20,000 a pound.
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Looking for long-term critique partner

Post by K.Allwood » June 22nd, 2021, 7:05 am


I'm branching into romance and am looking for a long-term critique partner/partners as my regulars aren't into this genre.

What I'm looking for: someone good at spotting typos, punctuation issues, and "ugly" sentences (I will be providing fairly "clean" and finished drafts) but who, at the same time, won't hesitate to point out any other issues. My novels will contain swearing and explicit adult content (all consensual, no extreme kinks), so you will have to be okay with this and be +18. Novels will be in US English, but I am okay with a UK English (the English I grew up with and use in my everyday life) critique partner.

What I have to offer: you don't want to use me to fix your punctuation but other than that, I have a solid grasp on the craft of fiction writing, from sentence-level to plot structure. While I prefer a more experienced writer, I will be happy to take a newbie under my wing: you won't find me line-editing an 80 K word manuscript to weed out repeat issues but I will teach you how to spot them so you can do it yourself.

As for time frames, I'm thinking 3-4 weeks per novel?

I also write fantasy, sci-fi, literary fiction, and children's novels and will do reviews in these genres, should you not be a romance writer.

I don't have a finished novel ready to go but I'm thinking we could try each other on for size with excerpts, and if we're a match and get along, I don't mind starting on your manuscript first.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to ask. I also have an introduction post up here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=872&start=630#p219334


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Joined: July 1st, 2021, 12:47 am

Re: Looking for long-term critique partner

Post by ErinAshley » July 1st, 2021, 12:56 am

Hello Kaya!

I would love to become your critique partner for your new venture into the romance genre. I work in the communications field in the US so I am fairly good at spotting things like typos, or sentence structure issues in US English.

I have been a secret fiction writer my whole life but am just now beginning to explore the idea of publishing and would love to meet a potential mentor. I would love your opinion on short chapters or excerpts to gauge style, structure and the works.

If you would like to talk more feel free to reach out :)

- Erin

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Re: Looking for long-term critique partner

Post by rchl » July 2nd, 2021, 12:14 am

Hi K!

I'd be interested in exchanging excerpts to see if we're a good fit for each other.

I like to think I'm pretty decent at pointing out "ugly" or awkward sentences, and I always try to provide reasoning for why it seems awkward. I tend to focus on overarching plot structure and whether a novel is signposting or giving the reader enough questions to maintain interest. I love romance, so I can also give feedback on chemistry between characters.

I have a sci-fi novel that I've recently finished my second draft of (it's clean, and you shouldn't find grammar and spelling mistakes), but I could definitely use an experienced partner who can help point out high level issues with my novel.

I am still too new to this site to send a private message, so I'm not too sure how to continue lol

Let me know if you'd be interested regardless, and I'm sure we can figure something out.


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Joined: July 26th, 2021, 9:12 am

Re: Looking for long-term critique partner

Post by ConstancePruefrock » July 27th, 2021, 5:17 am

Hi Kaya,

Thank you for your message seeking a critique partner. I am a published author of short stories, now revising novels. If you have not already found a partner, or if you are wiling to try a small critique group of three or four, I am keen to explore this.

Am writing to others on his forum, too.

Warm wishes, Constance Pruefrock

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