The Introduction Thread

New member introductions, suggestions for the Forums, questions about posting, and important announcements.
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by craig » August 2nd, 2010, 5:16 pm

Classic Camp wrote:my favorite book is Bram Stoker's Dracula.
That book kicks @$$! It's one of my favourites, too!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by katarinaEla » August 2nd, 2010, 5:40 pm

Hello everybody !!!!!!
I'm here for the first time and how I am from East Europe please do not mind the errors in spelling. Thank you! I am interested if anyone knows the Eastern European Literature ??????

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by kymberry » August 3rd, 2010, 6:51 pm

HI Craig, I didn't know Canadians said ya'll. I thought that was an Okie thing...

I just finished my 2nd novel and am currently awaiting a response (fingers crossed). My first novel, which is way longer then it needs to be, is on the back burner but I would like to get back to it one day.
I write mostly juvenile fantasy, but my new project is a YA steampunk and I hope to have the 1st draft done by FenCon in September (toes crossed). Right now I'm a full time hairstylist and makeup artist. I do hope to retire from this profession one day and write full time before my feet give out.
I have also tried unsuccessfully several times to write a short story but it would seem that short is just not my style. I do have one Novella that I'm trying to get published somewhere and I'm not giving up. I belong to a great local writing club (Oklahoma Sci-fi fantasy writers or OSFW) and they have been an immense ammount of help and much needed encouragement.

Nice to meetcha and yes I'm an Okie

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by craig » August 3rd, 2010, 10:19 pm

kymberry wrote:HI Craig, I didn't know Canadians said ya'll. I thought that was an Okie thing...
Well, I'm not exactly your typical Canadian. (Roughly translated: I don't like hockey. Or beer. Or camping.)

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by LeAnne » August 4th, 2010, 2:23 am

No hockey? *dons Canadian hat* I am officially More Canadian than a Canadian, like Smarter than a Fifth Grader.

*waves hello* My name is LeAnne and I'm an 18 year old International Business major at the University of South Carolina. I'm currently working on the final chapters of a piece of literary fiction called The Crimson Ideal which centers around a group of French corporate officials. After this, I hope to write a less serious novel about an Egyptian assassin, but we'll see how my first book goes.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by kymberry » August 5th, 2010, 11:26 pm

craig wrote:
kymberry wrote:HI Craig, I didn't know Canadians said ya'll. I thought that was an Okie thing...
Well, I'm not exactly your typical Canadian. (Roughly translated: I don't like hockey. Or beer. Or camping.)

Well, then I'm not sure you would make a good Okie then except for the hockey thing... allthough I'm not crazy about beer and camping either, hockey I kinda like. Hmmm maybe I'm not good Okie.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Aurelius » August 7th, 2010, 5:34 pm

Hi all,

I just found these forums a little while ago, although I've read the blog for a bit and find it very interesting. I have a full-time job that is not writing, but I do have a story rattling around my head that I try to get out on paper when I have the time. I'm hopeful that one of these days I'll get it all out and have a full story - we'll see!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Ramsey Hootman » August 8th, 2010, 1:10 am

Hi everyone! :-)

I was once a frequent poster on another much larger forum but since having my son (seven months old!) I just don't have time or energy to keep up with such a huge community. I'd still like to have some online writing support, however, so I thought I would give this forum a try! I've been a reader of Nathan's blog for a long time.

Let's see. What do I write? By day, I work part time as a writer for a high end travel company. By night, I write novels which would probably be called contemporary fiction. I'm almost ready to start the querying process (again! nooo!) as soon as I finish rewriting the last couple of chapters of my current project. Someday, someday, someday I will get an agent! A real agent, that is. I had one for a while but she turned out to be a sham. Thanks to Nathan and others like him, I'm now much better educated and hopefully I won't make the same mistake the second time around.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Alpha_arietis » August 9th, 2010, 1:51 am

Hello! I'm Marcas! I've been reading this blog for years, and now through the forums, I can contribute!

I want to write, I need to write, but I'm so filled with doubt. I question whether I'm good enough. But I've recently decided to focus more on writing because I enjoy it, rather than so other people will (if that makes sense).

I come up with ideas all the time; I have 4 novel ideas in my head write now and the priority of them changes daily. Currently, I've been focusing more on my YA Fantasy. I've rewritten the first chapter about 4 times now, and working on the fifth.

I don't share my "hobby" with people in real life, but I thought a community of writers would be more understanding and provide the support I need. So, I'm here!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » August 9th, 2010, 8:12 am

Hey, Marcas, welcome! You've come to the right place.

Give me a shout if you need anything.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by ninafromnorway » August 9th, 2010, 6:27 pm

I only discovered Nathan Bransford and his blog & forum today, so I can see that I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm quite new to writing in general, but I have a bus load of ideas in my head waiting to be spoken. Some days it feels like a champagne bottle is attached to my fingers, and in any second the cork will pop and all the lovely bubbly words will come pouring out.

I'm 25 years old, a mother of two, and as you may see from my name I am from Norway. My native tongue is English, but as I moved here when I was 6 years old, my English hasn't improved much since, and I feel like I am at the writing stage of a 12 year old. Not good for my writing process, but hopefully I will be able to see a nice progression in the following weeks. I am also looking for a good, English writing course that will improve my grammar, so that writing will come more naturally to me (and agents won't turn me down just because there is too much editing to be done).

Thanks for reading.

Nina from Norway
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Jaded » August 9th, 2010, 8:51 pm


The name is Heather, or Jaded, I'm both and will answer to either. "Hey, you!" will do in a pinch.

I fell in love with reading over a Care Bears book and I've had no cause to break up with it since. I've been writing, that I can remember, since the 4th grade when an unfortunate reading teacher raised my ire and became the victim in my short horror story. My parents were told to seek a psychological evaluation. I have since used my love of language to express my irritation with many teachers over the years. I believe I lead Mr. Pumblechook to a grisly death in an English class.

After my brushes with horror, I started to focus on humor. Sarcasm is now my weapon of choice, closely followed by being snarky. I've been toying with a few projects over the years but I am just now completing a collection of short non-fiction humor stories. (Good luck with that, right?)

I'm 24, a resident of the finest state in this country, North Carolina and am an avid Carolina fan. I enjoy sleeping, laughing when others fall down, and randomly bursting into song and dance with little to no provocation. I'm new to the forums and I've been enjoying them immensely. Non-writers seem to become irritated when you speak of nothing other than your WiPs, internet addiction, and how you're sure you have a brain tumor because nothing else explains your lack of attention, focus, and the ability to hold adult conversation except on paper.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and your WiPs and cheering from the peanut gallery as we're all published. :)

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Bryan Russell/Ink
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » August 10th, 2010, 12:16 am

Hi, Nina, and welcome! I must say, your writing looks pretty fine to me. So don't worry! Let me know if you need anything.

The Alchemy of Writing at

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Bryan Russell/Ink
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » August 10th, 2010, 12:17 am

Hey, Jaded Heather, I'm sure Mr. Pumbleychook deserved it.

Welcome to the forums -- let me know if you need anything.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Jaded » August 10th, 2010, 12:38 am

Thanks Bryan/Ink, will do.

Mr. Pumblechook is a major antagonist in "Great Expectations" and he most definitely deserved it. I wasn't at all shocked that that particular teacher started wearing a rather large cross around her neck every day. :)

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