Injuries from writing?

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Re: Injuries from writing?

Post by Nomad0404 » May 20th, 2010, 8:25 am

Although not injured I do have my own silly problems

I write on a laptop while commuting to and from work - the journey is around an hour each way on the train - invariably it's crowded and I sit on the floor cross legged with the laptop, unbelievably, on my lap.

Only problem with that is my legs go to sleep and then I can't get up to get off the train!!


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Livi Wells
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Re: Injuries from writing?

Post by Livi Wells » August 1st, 2010, 10:29 pm

I know this is an old discussion but since I'm new here thought I'd share writing injuries.

I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. And just last week was told that I have acute tendinitis in my right hand on top of other problem. Right hand had a surgery and although I am no longer in constant pain I still can't hold a pen for longer than 15 minutes before pain returns. I type with laptop on my lap and support my wrist on it- wear special wrist guards etc...

I have written for many years and have found that what really injured me was not the keyboard but using the mouse and the touch pad. It is very frustrating and very painful-part of the reason I don't write many posts here on the net. I keep my hands for my writing. I sometimes wonder how people do it? or is it just a few unlucky ones like me??? I have had to take a 2 year break from my studying (archaeology) because I am unable to take notes. Returning this semester but will take it easy. I cannot not write. I have speech recognition software when it gets really bad. Sad thing is I'm not as old as I should be for all of this-started this in my mid-twenties and had progressed since. I still write!

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Re: Injuries from writing?

Post by sarahdee » August 2nd, 2010, 3:55 am

Hillsy wrote:
Disclaimer: None of this happened
Dammit. I was reading your post with my mouth open saying "Noooooooo".

When I had a 9-5 I used to get a really bad shoulder and was told, by a doctor, it was literally the muscle knotting as I sat in one position holding my mouse all day. Rubbing it out, stretching exercises and moving my mouse to the other side fixed the problem (its surprising how fast you can get with a mouse in the 'wrong' hand in just a few days)

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Re: Injuries from writing?

Post by hulbertsfriend » August 2nd, 2010, 9:35 pm

I made a slanted keyboard shelf (26 degrees) with a bracket that slides into the front of my deck. Then I elevated the monitor, so as I lean back in my desk chair, the angle of the keyboard allows me to rest my elbows on the armrests as well as reduced neck pain. I have a bad shoulder and this reduced discomfort while I type to almost nothing.

The angle also reduces Carpal Tunnel stresses. I make fine furniture as a hobby, so it took less than a half hour to make, rubbed on finish and all.

Let me know (PM)if you have someone to make you one and I'll send you a "How to make it", or I can knock one together for you.

It's tough enough to write, let alone in physical pain!
"All it takes to fly is to hurl yourself at the ground... and miss." Douglas Adams

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