Is this a partial request?

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Is this a partial request?

Post by Nessa » June 14th, 2010, 7:42 pm

I am a newb. Don't make fun of me! lol. But is it? I am not too sure. Also if it is anyone interestd in looking over my first ten pages before I hit the dreaded send?

Dear (my name)

Thank you for your interest in our agency. Per Agents guidelines, please send the first ten pages of your manuscript, along with the original query, to this email address - embed both in the body of the message.



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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by CafeCliche » June 14th, 2010, 7:57 pm

Hey Nessa,

This means that the agency you queried likes to receive the first ten pages with the query up front - you'll find that sort of think on the Agency website under "Submission Guidelines" or on the agent's Publishers Marketplace page. Always make sure to double-check before sending off your query! Some agencies will auto-reject if you don't follow their guidelines.

As for your first ten pages, you should definitely post them in the All Things Feedback forum. They'll take care of you over there.

Good luck! :D

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Bryan Russell/Ink
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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » June 14th, 2010, 8:12 pm

Have you queried them already? If you've already sent a query, and this was their response, then I'll have to politely disagree with Cafe and say, yes, this is a partial request. And since you suggested this was a personal response, I assume you did query them, unless you merely emailed them to ask about submissions? But assuming you queried, yes, this is a partial request. They want the original query email attached to jog their memory and so they'll have everything together in one place for the sake of efficiency. Make sure to mention in your reply that this was material they requested.

Congrats! And best of luck, of course.

edit: Hmmmm. The "per agents guidelines" makes me wonder, though. Could imply that you were supposed to attach the pages originally... but at the same time if they didn't like the query and there were no pages they'd typically just send a rejection, I'm guessing. So I still lean to a partial request... or a request for the originally intended pages since your query was good enough to draw a bit of interest.
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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by CafeCliche » June 14th, 2010, 8:19 pm

Ink, the "per Agent's guidelines" made me think that the first ten pages were part of the submission guidelines, but if not, I stand corrected. It's a good sign regardless!

But no matter what, definitely always double-check the submission guidelines.

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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by Nessa » June 14th, 2010, 8:21 pm

Thanks Cafe Cliche and Ink! You see the thing I thought about was that wouldn't they just reject me if they didn't like the query if I forgot to attach the pages? That's what got me asking this in the first place. If this is a partial request then I am excited because that would be a first. lol. Thanks guys! Wish me luck and I am posting over at the feedback forum!

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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by lac582 » June 14th, 2010, 10:16 pm

I am nowhere near this far in the process, but I was always under the impression that a partial was a couple of chapters, not just a few pages.

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Bryan Russell/Ink
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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » June 14th, 2010, 11:55 pm


A partial is whatever the agent wants to see. Sometimes a few pages, sometimes 50, sometimes a 100. It varies from agent to agent depending on preference. And some skip partials all together and simply ask for fulls.
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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » June 14th, 2010, 11:58 pm


Yeah, that's why I added the edit in. You might be right. The phrasing seems ambiguous. And yet if they didn't like the query I don't think they'd ask for the initial pages. Unless they're real sticklers for detail! Expedience be damned!
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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by RebeccaHamilton » June 25th, 2010, 9:14 pm

I would read that to mean the first ten pages should have been included the first time. Hope that helps.

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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by Meredith » June 25th, 2010, 10:53 pm

Either way, it sounds like they were sufficiently interested to ask for the pages, whatever you call it. So, congratulations.

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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by Matthew MacNish » June 25th, 2010, 11:25 pm

It all depends on exactly what you sent them to illicit this reply. If you queried and did not include pages, then congratulations you've just gotten a (possibly first) partial request! Unless of course this is just an agent who happens to be a real stickler for guidelines that you did not follow. I'd say you're looking at about a 90% chance of having just received a partial request. Agents can be anal but honestly if you simply missed the guidelines you almost certainly would have just gotten a form rejection from an assistant. As mean as agents might seem sometimes, they actually ARE just that busy.

On a related note - I do have to agree with Bryan. Any request for pages, be it 1 or 100 is a partial. Most agents accept five to ten pasted into the body of the query letter, but those who do not will ask for something (page count can at times be arbitrary), if they like the query or at least see something that shows promise. Honestly if they didn't like your query or were simply ticked you didn't follow the guidelines they wouldn't have taken the time to request anything - except possibly understanding and forgiveness for the rejection.

Keep in mind that agents cover a wide spectrum from new and motivated to experienced and ... jaded? That might not be the right word but some are more willing to work with you than others. Best of luck!

Definitely put your pages up for crit in the feedback forum because if you're here at all you're on the right path and help from others can only make your writing better.

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Re: Is this a partial request?

Post by RebeccaHamilton » June 26th, 2010, 11:30 pm

This sounds like a request to follow the guidelines:

Per Agents guidelines, please send the first ten pages of your manuscript, along with the original query.

Sounds like this is something the agent wants from EVERYONE. As in--please send your query WITH the first 10 pages. You didn't do this and you were supposed to. It's in the guidelines. Re-submit according to the guidelines.

That is how I would read those words. Just my perspective though. I am trying to see how that is being read as a partial request.

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