Lost - Possible Spoilers!

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by Robin » May 23rd, 2010, 11:42 pm

I think they died in the crash. Their spirits created the island life and afterlife to cope... Either way, I was hoping for more than a "they were all dead" explanation.

I was waiting to see Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio make a cameo with Celine Dion playing in the background.
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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by FK7 » May 23rd, 2010, 11:46 pm

It was a cheap ending (as in easy), but it was BEAUTIFUL for sure. If the sideways was the afterlife/heaven, where are they suppose to go now? Jack's father opened the big doors, and it was all white.They're "moving on" to where, the after-after life? I like the idea that they all waited until EVERYONE had eventually died before being reunited, but leaving out Walt and Michael was just weird.

Also, who gets shot and ran over in heaven? What about the statue, the glyphs in the hatch, the glyphs on the stone thingy that was used like a cork?

They made such a big deal out of Man in Black leaving, and they killed him so easily, it was almost stupid.

My point is they went for the cutesy ending they knew would warm people up, without delivering ONE single explanation about the light, energy, Egyptian glyphs and statue, etc.

They provided a cryptic ending on the premise that "they didn't want to dumb down the show" like writers usually do (their words from the special), but it looks to me like they did it because they themselves had no frickin idea what the hell they had created and didn't know how to get out of it.

It was a NICE ending, but neither good or fulfilling.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by Robin » May 23rd, 2010, 11:46 pm

Know what just hit me... Jack's father's name was "Christian Shepard" HA!!!!! Should have known.
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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by FK7 » May 23rd, 2010, 11:47 pm

Someone on TV.com just brought up the ending where they showed the empty beach with the crash scene, and they were no camps. It was either an homage to say bye, or it was the writer's way of saying "everyone died in the crash, and all of it happened in the after life", which would be THE. WORSE. ENDING. EVER.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by Robin » May 23rd, 2010, 11:56 pm

FK7 wrote:Someone on TV.com just brought up the ending where they showed the empty beach with the crash scene, and they were no camps. It was either an homage to say bye, or it was the writer's way of saying "everyone died in the crash, and all of it happened in the after life", which would be THE. WORSE. ENDING. EVER.
Thats what I was saying... They all died in the flippin' crash. Very disappointing.
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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by FK7 » May 23rd, 2010, 11:58 pm

I'm actively writing in other threads on other forums, the consensus right now is this:

-Everything that happened was real
-Those who died during the shows were sent to some sort of purgatory
-Eventually when all (or most) of them all died, they were reunited so they could cross over to heaven together
-Jack's Father was "Christian Shepard"... he rallied the sheep at the end.
-The flashsideways all happened in an intermittent plane between life and the afterlife (aforementioned purgatory).
-Jack died on the island at the end
-Those who took off in the plane survived too, and eventually died of natural cause, then met in the purgatory
-Michael can't cross over because of what he's done to Ana Lucia, which is why he wasn't there
-Walt was the youngest, so he wasn't there because he's probably alive still (but old)

But it's true they didn't cover or answer anything
-Polar Bears: brought on the island by the Dharma Initiative
-Egyptian statue: unanswered
-Egyptian glyphs in hatch: unanswered
-Nature of the island's energy: partly answered (exotic particles?)
-The light source: unanswered
-Where was Ana Lucia, Lipidis, Richard Alpert, and all the others at the reunion at the end?
...and the list goes on and on.

There's a Jimmy Kimmel Live special on ABC at 12:05AM (10 minutes from now), where they'll show 3 alternate endings and hopefully will answer more questions.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by Steppe » May 23rd, 2010, 11:59 pm

I'm not ready to comment yet until I have watched it again more leisurely.
I'm maybe half and half. On the constant subliminal templates I am sort of satisfied.
Worthy (imho) considerations.
Penny wasn't there.
Hugo and Ben's parting comments about "one and two"
Technically I guess Smokie was vulnerable during the "power outage."
It was interesting.
In certain parameters that all is thought and our sensory apparatus
is on loan from some master of the "thermal decay arrow of time wizard...
be it evolution or creator or both working as one I guess it works.
I need to see it again.
I missed Christians answer to the "Now" question.
Good to read early opinions!!!

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by FK7 » May 24th, 2010, 12:06 am

Penny was there in the church with Desmond, you missed her.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by abc » May 24th, 2010, 12:21 am


Thank you, FK7, that helped.

I think I'm satisfied. But still a little confused. My biggest question wasn't answered: why couldn't the women have babies? But whatevs.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by FK7 » May 24th, 2010, 12:24 am

It was postulated that the island's energy had an effect on pregnant women, killing them when they gave birth.

It was never explained beyond that.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by SXBrase » May 24th, 2010, 1:01 am

FK7 wrote:It was postulated that the island's energy had an effect on pregnant women, killing them when they gave birth.

It was never explained beyond that.
I'm almost positive the postulation is correct. Consider: Miles was successfully born on-island in '77. Aaron is successfully born on-island in '04. What happened between those events? The incident happened, which somehow messed up the electromagnetism, which Desmond had to keep at bay. Then in '04, the magnetism is released or whatever, crashing 815, but also returning the island to normal, allowing babies once more to be born.
FK7 wrote:I'm actively writing in other threads on other forums, the consensus right now is this:

-Everything that happened was real
-Those who died during the shows were sent to some sort of purgatory
-Eventually when all (or most) of them all died, they were reunited so they could cross over to heaven together
-Jack's Father was "Christian Shepard"... he rallied the sheep at the end.
-The flashsideways all happened in an intermittent plane between life and the afterlife (aforementioned purgatory).
-Jack died on the island at the end
-Those who took off in the plane survived too, and eventually died of natural cause, then met in the purgatory
-Michael can't cross over because of what he's done to Ana Lucia, which is why he wasn't there
-Walt was the youngest, so he wasn't there because he's probably alive still (but old)

But it's true they didn't cover or answer anything
-Polar Bears: brought on the island by the Dharma Initiative
-Egyptian statue: unanswered
-Egyptian glyphs in hatch: unanswered
-Nature of the island's energy: partly answered (exotic particles?)
-The light source: unanswered
-Where was Ana Lucia, Lipidis, Richard Alpert, and all the others at the reunion at the end?
...and the list goes on and on.

There's a Jimmy Kimmel Live special on ABC at 12:05AM (10 minutes from now), where they'll show 3 alternate endings and hopefully will answer more questions.
I agree entirely with the consensus. Flashsideways was purgatory, the island is real. Ana Lucia wasn't brought to the church because she "wasn't ready," as Hurley said. Much like Ben, who didn't enter the church because he wasn't ready. Same may apply to the others.

As for the questions you have as "unanswered," I'll let someone from reddit do the talking:

"I hated [the finale], and now I think I like/love it. Ultimately, I think what they did was turn your brain inside out and say - this show isn't about the island. It was never about the island; it was about the characters and the people on the island. The fucked up nature of the island was part of their journey. Tricky fucking bastards. I'm pleased and annoyed."

The only thing I'll add to this comment is: I think the journey was the characters realizing this too. They spent so much time wondering about the island and trying to get off of it / get back to it that they never realized it didn't matter where they were, it didn't matter what the island was. All that mattered was that they were together.
mkcbunny wrote: I'm OK with the unknowable as an idea. It also makes sense that Jacob would be clueless as a young man and acquire knowledge as he's lived on the island. But overall, I did take that whole episode as being more, in retrospect, than I wanted to know. On that particular angle anyway. What bothered me more than Jacob's being in the dark was simply the fact that he didn't seem very bright. I at least wanted him to show some glimmer of intelligence. But maybe he needed that special island water to get some smarts. (Really.)
He might have needed the special island water. Yes, Jacob was quite the dummy, but much as everyone on the show demonstrated growth, so did he: He admitted his mistake in the campfire conversation, admitted that he had created the bad guy through his own short-sightedness and impulsion. His humanity, his mistake is the reason we have this show in the first place, so we can't be too hard on him, can we? ;)

And now I'm going to bed.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by FK7 » May 24th, 2010, 1:39 am

SXbrase, I thought the purgatory wasn't created until the hydrogen bomb had exploded?

Because if the ENTIRE show was the premise that everyone had died in the crash already, and the whole show was just their experience of trying to get through Heaven prepared, it would stink a lot.

I understand the character driven argument, but like I said before, Battlestar Galactica was entirely character driven as well, and managed to get a finale that not only reflected this reality, but that was also fulfilling in terms of providing closure with proper answers, even if they were also spiritually motivated.

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by Nathan Bransford » May 24th, 2010, 2:49 am

Nathan Bransford wrote:Anyone watch Lost last night? What do you think of the dual plotlines?

Theory #1: The part where they land safely is actually the end of the show (since Juliet said "It worked.")
Theory #2: Alternate realities

Has anyone else heard any good theories?
Did I call it or did I call it??? First post in the thread!

There are so many questions I have, but do we know why Penny was in purgatory?

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by mkcbunny » May 24th, 2010, 3:08 am

Nathan Bransford wrote: There are so many questions I have, but do we know why Penny was in purgatory?
Because she wanted to be with Desmond. The particular group of people we saw leave all were waiting for one another. Some of the people we saw on the island were more attached to people outside that group. I think Ben is waiting for Alex. Richard probably would have found his wife and gone with her, rather than with the Losties.

The one nagging factoid that's bugging me is why Jacob was able to leave the island?

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Re: Lost - Possible Spoilers!

Post by mkcbunny » May 24th, 2010, 3:17 am

FK7 wrote:I'm actively writing in other threads on other forums, the consensus right now is this:

-Everything that happened was real
-Those who died during the shows were sent to some sort of purgatory
-Eventually when all (or most) of them all died, they were reunited so they could cross over to heaven together
-Jack's Father was "Christian Shepard"... he rallied the sheep at the end.
-The flashsideways all happened in an intermittent plane between life and the afterlife (aforementioned purgatory).
-Jack died on the island at the end
-Those who took off in the plane survived too, and eventually died of natural cause, then met in the purgatory
-Michael can't cross over because of what he's done to Ana Lucia, which is why he wasn't there
-Walt was the youngest, so he wasn't there because he's probably alive still (but old)

There's a Jimmy Kimmel Live special on ABC at 12:05AM (10 minutes from now), where they'll show 3 alternate endings and hopefully will answer more questions.
I agree with all of this except that it wasn't just a matter of their all being dead, but that they were able to find one another and accept their own deaths. And I don't necessarily think that Michael can't ever cross over, but he and Walt and Walt's grandmother may be their own separate, more important unit to them than being part of the Lost island group.

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