The Introduction Thread

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Scribble » April 7th, 2010, 8:12 pm

I'm a reader,
I'm a lurker
I'm a mid-night poster (ahem, sorry Steve Miller).

I'm Ian and from the UK, and when I'm not ruining classic songs, I'm wrestling with the revisions of my first novel. I am faithful to her, but must admit there's that saucy neighbour - the half-finished YA fantasy story, that lives next door to her on my hard drive. Maybe that's because I'm fickle by nature.

I began by writing short stories - mostly nasty little tales of evil and horror. Then, I got myself an idea to write a novel that turns out to be in the MG range (I know that somewhere out there, there's a children's writer with an idea for a twisted horror novel).

I can take criticism, honest, and want to learn as much as I can, and improve my writing.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Robin » April 8th, 2010, 9:16 pm

I finally mustered enough courage to quick lurking and actually participate here!!
I am currently working on a romance novel with a mythological edge. When I'm not writing or reading I am a mom, wife, business owner, and shower singer.
"A glass slipper is only a shoe. Dreamers who only dream never have their dreams come true."

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by KellyWittmann » April 9th, 2010, 4:37 pm

Hello... My name is Kelly. I am doing freelance contract work while my agent shops a literary novel and a thriller proposal.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by J.M. Graham » April 10th, 2010, 8:30 pm

Hello all,

Longtime reader of the blog, but haven't really ventured into the forums before. I'm changing that today!

The name is J.M., and I'm a senior in college, attending California Baptist University in Riverside, CA getting a degree in History. I'm also an Army ROTC cadet, and getting ready to commission this time next year in the Army. Been around the world, having lived in Vancouver, BC, Canada; Taipei, Taiwan; San Diego and Riverside, CA. I'm a big fan of sports in general, but more specifically hockey (Vancouver Canucks), soccer (Manchester United, Brighton and Hove Albion), and baseball (Blue Jays and Padres), though I'm not terribly fond of basketball. I love watching TV too, it's my escape along with reading. Huge LOST fan, and love Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, Stargate Universe, Castle, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Love to read and my favorite genres are history of any variety and science fiction and crime.

I enjoy writing, and am currently working on a science-fiction epic set in the far future after Earth is destroyed and humanity appears to be on its last legs. I love to world build, and probably do a bit too much of it. Really enjoy the editing process and love to hear about improvements I can make and help others improve their work. I can be a bit blunt, and am certainly not afraid to let you know if I don't like something. Of course, that's gotten me in trouble before, so I try and tone it down a little. I hope some day to publish the project I'm working on now, but it's a long way from completion.

Looking forward to participating here!
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » April 11th, 2010, 2:34 pm

Man U!

Though I can't believe they just tied Blackburn after losing to Chelsea. It's like they're trying to throw the title away. Though, admittedly, they can't seem to score a goal without Rooney.
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Matthew MacNish
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Matthew MacNish » April 13th, 2010, 7:14 pm

Ink wrote:Man U!

Though I can't believe they just tied Blackburn after losing to Chelsea. It's like they're trying to throw the title away. Though, admittedly, they can't seem to score a goal without Rooney.
Ink, being an American mostly ignorant of European football history does it make me an idiot if I cheer for Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool? I know this would be sacrilege over there, but my 3 favorite players in the PL are Didier Drogba, Paul Scholes, and Steven Gerrard. Is it pointless to love single footballers when their sides are at such odds?

Being (a very small) part Italian, my favorite team is Juventus, and my all time favorite players are Buffon, Totti, Del-Piero, and the greatest defensive captain who ever lived: Fabio Cannavaro! Yes we are ashamed of the scandal. Yes we are proud to be the defending world champions. Do we expect to have such success this summer?

Well, group F is certainly a beneficial ... do they call it a seed? But I don't expect us to outlast teams like Brazil, Portugal, Spain, or even dare I say ... England?

Feel free to hit me up about football anytime man. Like writing I'm a novice but I've got some love and am always down to learn more.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Nick » April 16th, 2010, 7:46 pm

Matthew Rush wrote:
Ink wrote:Man U!

Though I can't believe they just tied Blackburn after losing to Chelsea. It's like they're trying to throw the title away. Though, admittedly, they can't seem to score a goal without Rooney.
Ink, being an American mostly ignorant of European football history does it make me an idiot if I cheer for Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool?
It doesn't make you an idiot it just makes you look like a fairweather. Up to you if you're cool with that. Honestly I'm not that big on football over here, and cheer on the Steelers just kind of because liking football is what's done here, but once the Steelers are out of it I'm all for whoever looks hot to win. Give me some good old fashioned footy any day.
I know this would be sacrilege over there, but my 3 favorite players in the PL are Didier Drogba, Paul Scholes, and Steven Gerrard. Is it pointless to love single footballers when their sides are at such odds?
Dude, in all honesty, I like the Roon, in spite of the fact that he plays for Man U. Do I hope he cocks up during the regular season? Absolutely. I hope El Nino shows him what's what twice a season. But I still acknowledge he's a damn fine player, and whenever there's an England game I am right there hollering for him. So, no, nothing necessarily wrong with that. Also brownie points for loving Stevie G.

And since we're talking football now, as I have said many, many times before, massive Liverpool fan. And yesterday was, of course, a very important day, for every football fan really, but especially us Reds.

World cup wise, it's a toughy. I will, of course, be rooting on the US. I don't expect the US to make it very far, but the US national team is a lot better than most people think, and I hope we can at the very least clear the round of 16, at least escape to the quarter finals. England have strong chances this year and they are definitely my favorites for the Cup, but can they take it? Rough going. Brazil, Argentina, and Italy are three popular favorites amongst others, and of the three I think Argentina have the best chances, but at the end of the day the only club I am absolutely willing to put a "they're going to make it to the final" stamp on, at this early stage at least, is the Spanish national team.

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Bryan Russell/Ink
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » April 17th, 2010, 7:24 pm

Matthew Rush wrote:
Ink wrote:Man U!

Though I can't believe they just tied Blackburn after losing to Chelsea. It's like they're trying to throw the title away. Though, admittedly, they can't seem to score a goal without Rooney.
Ink, being an American mostly ignorant of European football history does it make me an idiot if I cheer for Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool? I know this would be sacrilege over there, but my 3 favorite players in the PL are Didier Drogba, Paul Scholes, and Steven Gerrard. Is it pointless to love single footballers when their sides are at such odds?

Being (a very small) part Italian, my favorite team is Juventus, and my all time favorite players are Buffon, Totti, Del-Piero, and the greatest defensive captain who ever lived: Fabio Cannavaro! Yes we are ashamed of the scandal. Yes we are proud to be the defending world champions. Do we expect to have such success this summer?

Well, group F is certainly a beneficial ... do they call it a seed? But I don't expect us to outlast teams like Brazil, Portugal, Spain, or even dare I say ... England?

Feel free to hit me up about football anytime man. Like writing I'm a novice but I've got some love and am always down to learn more.
No, you can't cheer for Chelsea. No one is allowed to cheer for Chelsea. They're the Evil Empire. :)

I can live with you cheering for Liverpool. My Dad was a big Liverpool fan, and we had a good rivalry there. They're sort of like friendly enemies. I could even stomach Arsenal, as they play a good brand of football under Wenger. But Chelsea? No. Please stop.


And Scholes is great. One of the old-schoolers. And I have a lot of respect for Gerrard. Great player, class act. As for Didier Drogba... if he fell on his head and never played again, well, um, I wouldn't be too broken up by it.

And Juventus? C'mon. AC Milan is where it's at. Cannavaro is like a junior Maldini.

Looking forward to the World Cup, too. I'm hoping for England... but things just don't seem quite right. Beckham getting hurt, and Rooney... and they really need Rooney. Where else are the goals going to come from? Unless Lampard finally brings his goal scoring boots to international play. But the big stage always scares those Chelsea guys... :)
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by OtherLisa » April 18th, 2010, 12:19 am

Howdy! I'm Lisa, and I am a procrastinator.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Jaime » April 19th, 2010, 2:55 am

OtherLisa wrote:Howdy! I'm Lisa, and I am a procrastinator.
And the procrastinators not-so-anonymous all replied, "Hello, Lisa."

Isn't procrastinating on your agent's site akin to skipping out on class while the teacher is watching? ;)

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by OtherLisa » April 20th, 2010, 7:45 pm

Jaime wrote:
OtherLisa wrote:Howdy! I'm Lisa, and I am a procrastinator.
And the procrastinators not-so-anonymous all replied, "Hello, Lisa."

Isn't procrastinating on your agent's site akin to skipping out on class while the teacher is watching? ;)
*looking around* He's not here, is he?

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by J.M. Graham » April 21st, 2010, 12:58 am

Ink wrote:
Matthew Rush wrote:
Ink wrote:Man U!

Though I can't believe they just tied Blackburn after losing to Chelsea. It's like they're trying to throw the title away. Though, admittedly, they can't seem to score a goal without Rooney.
Being (a very small) part Italian, my favorite team is Juventus, and my all time favorite players are Buffon, Totti, Del-Piero, and the greatest defensive captain who ever lived: Fabio Cannavaro! Yes we are ashamed of the scandal. Yes we are proud to be the defending world champions. Do we expect to have such success this summer?
And Juventus? C'mon. AC Milan is where it's at. Cannavaro is like a junior Maldini.
Calling any Italian midfielder a junior Maldini is like calling Clint Eastwood a junior John Wayne
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by rainbowsheeps » April 25th, 2010, 12:29 am

I confess, I didn't really notice any of the forums except for Feedback until the rearrangement today. I like the changes.

I'm Josh. I am 22 years old. I like my rock like I like my film: very indie. My favorite movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. And though I know it's not a very unique answer, my favorite novel is still Catcher in the Rye. I have a lot of love for Holden.

I tend to write literary fiction. I've written 5 books that will hopefully never see the light of day. Hopefully, this most recent one will be different.

Nice to meet you guys (and girls).

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by A.M.Kuska » April 25th, 2010, 1:20 pm

Nice to meet you, Josh. :) Hope you like it here.

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Post by irishlady » May 1st, 2010, 4:51 pm

Hi my name is Pam and I am an unpublished writer as so many of us are. I write romance suspense with a touch of paranormal. I call my self a pantser learning to organize. I have two finished novels in process of rewrites on the last. I learned the value of index cards with the two year long rewrite ordeal of my first novel. My second novel was finished(I thought) until I read it to someone I trust and we found glaring errors in military facts( My kids were in the Marine Corps and I thought I knew what I was talking about). Can you say WRONG? My grammar and sentence structure, atrocious. Needless to say I am in the middle of a major rewrite. Well,at least I am keeping B.I.C. and writing and learning the craft of writing. Who knew I would be haunted by all the English classes I didn't take in high school.Silly me,I thought writing a novel was just writing a good story and spelling the words correctly and you were done. Plotting,story structure, conflict,goals,motivation, scenes,etc. what the %#*! were those? VOICE? I am writing not speaking. Did I need all that stuff? I had a beginning, a middle and an end and interesting characters I loved and and interesting story that I liked. Wasn't that all I needed? Four years later,I am still trying to learn to tell the story the correct way. I still think I tell a damn good story. HA! Sometimes late at night I sneak onto my computer and write gleefully using ing and ly words with no thought to climatic ending to each scene,building suspense with each scene and plot points. Of course I save that story for my guilty pleasure moment.s I look forward to reading other comments.

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