What author would you have dinner with/what would you ask?

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Re: What author would you have dinner with/what would you ask?

Post by Holly » March 9th, 2010, 10:16 am

Tolkien. I would pay somebody to create an English dinner because I'm a horrible cook (okay, okay, English food is not that great to start with). The dinner would have good tea with milk, green peas to make him feel at home (English restaurant fare), maybe lamb, good china, a linen tablecloth, flowered carpet, and *ping* a fireplace with a hot ripping fire, and, of course, fog outside the windows. Then I would put volume one of Lord of the Rings in the middle of the table, settle back in my armchair, and ask him to read it aloud. When I was a teenager, my sister and I spent one summer reading it to each other on the screened porch. It was the best summer of my life.

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Re: What author would you have dinner with/what would you ask?

Post by keremmermutlu » March 16th, 2010, 8:37 am

hi there,
i would love to have dinner with Haruki Murakami and ask him how he feels about his novels, how he writes them? Do they grow all the time, easily, as he writes, or do they come out hard and bruised and painfully??
As for dead novelists i would love to talk to J.D. Salinger, hemmingway, and raymond carver.
I would ask them if the 'dream' of being a writer was what they had imagined.
thanks, kerem.

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Re: What author would you have dinner with/what would you ask?

Post by Jsee » April 12th, 2010, 6:27 pm

I was at a Diana Gabaldon reading in Phoenix (I agree she should have stopped after Voyager) and asked her about about my favorite author of all time, Dorothy Dunnett (author of the best books ever - The Lymond Chronicles), whose books are on Gabaldon's Methadone List (books to read while waiting for Gabaldon to finish writing hers). Gabaldon said that she had had dinner with Dunnett in Ireland. Now that would have been a dinner I would have loved to have participated in. Gabaldon also said the only books that she couldn't read when she was writing were Dunnett's, as she ended up trying to write like Dunnett, or something to that effect.

Otherwise, my list is Dorothy Dunnett, Jane Austen, the man who wrote the Shakespeare canon (Edward de Vere), and Mark Twain. Mary Doria Russell (author of The Sparrow) would be cool too, she also is a Dunnett fan. And JK Rowling :), because as much as I love Darcy and Hamlet, a little Harry Potter once in awhile is a good thing. Can't read only high-brow stuff without becoming too stuffy.

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Re: What author would you have dinner with/what would you ask?

Post by A.M.Kuska » April 12th, 2010, 9:13 pm

Sandy Shin wrote:That's difficult. I'd have to choose between J.K. Rowling, Megan Whalen Turner, Diana Wynne Jones, and Patricia C. Wrede. But maybe I would just hold a dinner for five and spend the entire time being terribly intimidated and internally squeeing at so much brilliance all in one place.
EEEE!! You love Patricia C. Wrede too!!! Her new books out. Have you read it?
Rhonda wrote:C.S. Lewis for sure. I haven't yet read everything he's written, but based on the Narnia series and Mere Christianity, I could listen and talk to him for hours. Not sure what specific thing I would ask. It would depend where the conversation were leading. Probably wouldn't have time for eating during dinner though...
If you've read those you have to add the Screwtape Letters to your reading list. It's quite a different take.

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Re: What author would you have dinner with/what would you ask?

Post by Sommer Leigh » April 12th, 2010, 11:46 pm

Margaret Atwood

I wouldn't ask her anything, I'd just spend an afternoon chatting with her about, oh, whatever comes up.
May the word counts be ever in your favor. http://www.sommerleigh.com
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