Can you write anywhere?

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Truth and Fiction
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Can you write anywhere?

Post by Truth and Fiction » October 13th, 2010, 9:29 am

Do you need to write in a special place, or at a special time, or in special circumstances? Or can you work basically everywhere, whether it's at home or in public or even on the train or in an airport?

Long ago, I thought I needed everything to be "just right" to work, but now I can and will write anywhere. I've written in airports and mid-flight and even while surrounded by gossiping cafe patrons who are sharing some pretty juicy details. What about you? In what situations are you able to focus, and in what situations do you focus best?

I also recently wrote a blog post about where I write and where I don't.

Down the well
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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Down the well » October 13th, 2010, 9:55 am

I can, and do, write anywhere. I went on a trip over the summer that involved a lot of long days on the road. I actually took my lap-top with me and sat in the backseat and worked on my WIP while others drove (yes, I can read in the car, too). At home, I move around the house with my lap-top to where ever is comfortable. In the winter, I usually follow the sun coming through the windows. I'm like a cat that way.

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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Truth and Fiction » October 13th, 2010, 10:26 am

I envy you -- I can't read in a car, much less write. I can read, but not write, on a bus. I often wish I didn't get carsick when trying to read...just imagine how many hours of reading I could get in on long car trips. (If I'm not driving, of course. Though I can see it now: While everyone else is up in arms over texting and driving, I pull out a novel at the wheel and start flipping pages along the highway.)

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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Claudie » October 13th, 2010, 12:28 pm

I can read and write anywhere. Seriously anywhere. Sometimes I even do it when the glare from the sun makes the screen hard to see (although I come back to edit out the typos later). I don't care if there's a lot of noise, or little lights, or if I'm in a car. It's quite handy to be able to focus despite the surroundings. :)
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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Matt in the Hat » October 13th, 2010, 1:42 pm

For the most part, I can write anywhere. I've written in notebooks on trains before and such, and don't have a huge problem writing around other people or in public. But I prefer to write while I'm alone, as its less distracting and seems to turn out better.

Reading is a different story though - I have a hard time reading with a tv or music on. As much as I try to block it out, I just end up focusing on it even more.

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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Mark17 » October 13th, 2010, 4:09 pm

I started only at my kitchen table in the middle of the night, because I didn't want anyone to know what I was doing. Eventually that became too distracting, so I moved to the library. Libraries are great, but they close too early. I refused to be a cliche and go to a coffee shop, but eventually I gave in. And you know what? It's the best place to write. You get coffee, the music is soothing and you might even get ideas for characters. Plus, getting out and paying three bucks for a coffee makes you feel like you have to get something done. Now that I'm in the editing process I'm back at the kitchen table in the middle of the night because I like to read out-loud as I edit. Definitely can't do that at the library.

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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by sierramcconnell » October 13th, 2010, 4:28 pm

I have to be in the mood, but if I am -and I'm comfy- I can pretty much do it.

And I realize that if I take that out of context it sounds so dirty. [blush]

But yes, writing and editing, I especially love to do with a blankie and food. The only problem is, when I really get into it, the food tends to get ignored.
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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Mira » October 13th, 2010, 7:34 pm

I can write anywhere - except when there is music or the T.V. playing. You could have a jackhammer going outside and it wouldn't bother me, but even the tiniest hint of music, or T.V., and I can't concentrate. It's sort of weird. It's true for reading too - can't read with music or T.V. in the background.

It's also sort of unfortunate, since that leaves out Starbucks.

But otherwise, anywhere, anyplace.

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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Heather B » October 13th, 2010, 8:06 pm

I tend to need a fair bit of quiet and solitude. I'm so easily distracted, it's ridiculous. If there is TV, music, people around I have no chance of getting anything done.
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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Quill » October 13th, 2010, 8:36 pm

Depends. If I am working on my novel, then no, I need to be in my cave, my regular writing desk and computer. If I am brainstorming, journaling, writing a poem, then I'm going to be using a pen and notebook, and then yeah, anytime, anyplace. Music doesn't help, though, as I'm usually trying to listen to my own rhythms inside, the cadence of the writing.

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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Jessa » October 14th, 2010, 2:52 am

Any time, any place. Though I actually write better when there's noise. All that silence where it's just my keys tapping sorta gets to me. Headphones and Rhapsody see me through, usually, but anything that ruffles the air will do. Y'know where's a great place for me to write? My laundromat. Seriously, they have WiFi and all those washers and dryers going makes for some great white noise. Plus it smells like fabric softener. :D

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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Sommer Leigh » October 14th, 2010, 8:19 am

I can write anywhere, but I can't write when there is repetitive loud noises around me. Like my neighbor's yippy irritating dog. I have to shut up all the windows and head to the back of the house. Although working in coffee shops and food places is fine. Background noise doesn't bother me, just that constant repetitive stuff. Every summer when my neighbor starts working on his house and pulls out the buzz saw and nail gun I buy a new pair of headphones.
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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by dios4vida » October 15th, 2010, 4:25 pm

I'm a limited "anywhere" person. Anywhere in the house? Absolutely. Anywhere else? I'll jot down notes for later. Sometimes those notes are really darn close to really writing - dialogue or description - but most of the time they're things like "Possible relationship between protag and antag?" or "Twist magic system to be <redacted, this is my WIP after all!>."
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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Beethovenfan » October 16th, 2010, 1:40 pm

I can write just about anywhere, but if I'm not at home, I can only write the old-fashioned way; with pen and paper (OK, pencil). At home, I have to have the headphones in and the music on something classical. Then I can go for hours on my computer.
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Re: Can you write anywhere?

Post by Aimée » October 16th, 2010, 5:14 pm

I CANNOT write at my desk. It's the craziest thing. I sit down at my desk with my laptop and my mind goes blank. I write anywhere and everywhere else though. I write especially well in my car. Not while I'm driving of course. I am in college, so if I have an hour or two in between classes, I just go sit in my car with my laptop and pound out 2000 words. I really don't understand how that works, but I take what I can get.

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