Looking for critique partner for YA Historical Fantasy

Critique partners are worth their weight in gold. So (checking financial page) like $20,000 a pound.
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Looking for critique partner for YA Historical Fantasy

Post by Yotekai » January 31st, 2020, 3:46 pm


My name is Christie. I'm looking for some critique partners or beta readers for my novel.
I have the draft done and am looking for Beta readers.

Title: Yōkai

Age Range: Young Adult

Genre: Historical Fantasy

Blurb: Kiyoshi has been a fugitive since age 7, when in a panic, she accidentally willed a tree to come out of the ground and break a ruffian’s neck. She learned she is the daughter of a yōkai--an evil spirit. This makes her more dangerous than even the village's assassins, who wield an element of nature with body movements. But when she is banished to a new city at age 16, the unthinkable happens: no one there tries to kill her. Not even the foreigner Jacob, who takes a suspicious amount of interest in her, or the samurai Masamori, who is supposed to be her "teacher." Is this all subterfuge to hide another assassination attempt against the evil half-yōkai? Or is there a chance that she can belief Jacob's promises about never hurting her?

Last Book Read: Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi

Comp Title: Graceling by Kristin Cashore / Avatar: The Last Airbender

Let me know if you want to swap first chapters and see if we are a good fit.


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Joined: March 5th, 2020, 12:06 am

Re: Looking for critique partner for YA Historical Fantasy

Post by dcthompson » March 5th, 2020, 12:29 am

This sounds interesting. If you are still looking to swap, let me know. I have a fantasy novel of similar length.

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