Need help with my Exorcist/withnail and I mash up

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Need help with my Exorcist/withnail and I mash up

Post by Skruppy3030 » September 11th, 2019, 3:25 pm

Its just a 20,000 word novella. Its a horror comedy set in a car dealership in Detroit. Ive written about five drafts. I am lost in the weeds. Anyway I would be happy to hastily help you kind soul with whatever you need.

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Re: Need help with my Exorcist/withnail and I mash up

Post by Princesisto » September 23rd, 2019, 4:05 pm

Yes, I am willing to exchange critiques with you. Your novella sounds like good fun.

In return, I would ask you to critique 20,000 words of my short stories for my anthology project. The first one is "Moon Kid" (8900 words), which also qualifies as a novella according to some publishers' definitions. Two more stories or one more novella would make up the total of 20,000 words.

These stories feature the New Little Princess as MC. She is a child pop star whose career starts in 2025. She is getting somewhat popular on wattpad through my stories, "Green Princess" and "'Shipped". She is a piano prodigy, instinctively funny, a campaigner for climate change action, democracy in Guatemala (her adopted home from 2022), and against school shootings, a bright, tough, precocious kid who could disable you by kicking both your kneecaps or jumping on your insoles or even shoot you with her concealed derringer that she keeps for protection, beautiful, with a heart of gold and knee-length hair to match. Her mother is Scottish, she grew up in Manchester, England to age 6 and thereafter in Guatemala City: so she is bilingual (fluent in Guatemalan Spanish) and speaks northern and Scots English, in a patois.

Are you a published author? What is your published experience like? Have you done critiques before? Where?

If interested, please reply. If we agree, we could exchange novellas by e-mail attachments.

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