Awesome YouTube Videos

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Awesome YouTube Videos

Post by dmarie84 » December 7th, 2009, 12:21 pm

I don't know about anyone else, but I know one of my major forms of procrastination is watching videos on YouTube. I'm sure I've spent countless hours on there watching silly videos when I should've been, you know, writing.

Anyway...I thought we could post some of our favorite videos from YouTube here...and end up spending more time that could be better spent.

First video: I can't remember which blog I found this on (I read so many on a daily basis...yet another form of procrastination), but I find it particularly hysterical.

Medieval helpdesk with English subtitles
The pleasantest of all diversions is to sit alone under the lamp, a book spread out before you, and to make friends with people of a distant past you have never known.--Yoshida Kenko, Essays in Idleness

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Re: Awesome YouTube Videos

Post by Mira » December 7th, 2009, 4:55 pm

I used this in a recent presentation at grad school. It was about terminating counseling relationships - to add a fun touch at the end.

Now, I can't stop watching it. I shall inflict it upon you, should you be so brave:

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marilyn peake
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Re: Awesome YouTube Videos

Post by marilyn peake » December 7th, 2009, 10:34 pm

Here's a funny YouTube video created by professional filmmakers with live actors for the Twisted Tails anthologies in which I have short stories published. I love this video because it was made in the style of the old science fiction B movies:
Marilyn Peake

Novels: THE FISHERMAN’S SON TRILOGY and GODS IN THE MACHINE. Numerous short stories. Contributor to BOOK: THE SEQUEL. Editor of several additional books. Awards include Silver Award, 2007 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards.

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John Ross Harvey
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Re: Awesome YouTube Videos

Post by John Ross Harvey » December 10th, 2009, 3:58 pm

If I could figure out how to edit a .3gp video file from my phone to under 10 minutes to get Youtube to allow it, they'd be viral I'm sure. I have a Tornado day storm coverage and Toronto's first snowfall of December 2009, but both are over 10 minutes, life sucks.

The 4 that were not longer than 10 minutes have yet to go that way.

Warning they are using adult language as traffic is a highly stressful experience.
User uncjrhadr

favourites I've watched, anything by TOP GEAR, especially involving the Ariel Atom car.
The treadmill dance was pretty cool also.
Author: Three Forces Of Evil - Comedy Shorts, Snowball's Chance In Hell, Acronymville - Your One Stop Destination In The World Of Acronyms, World Peace - A Novel, Harvey The Happy Helmet's Illustrated How To Drive Handbook - A Drive By Education

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