Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by ladymarella » February 28th, 2012, 4:18 am

My favourite is Marianne. i like to think she's a lot like me, or what i would be like if i was in her situation.
She is the thirty-four year old unmarried daughter of the squire's family in early nineteenth century England. she feels an outcast from the rest of her family, and has an unspoken battle with her mother that has raged for many years.
She is a pragmatist though, and also a romantic, a strange combination that she gets from her author. She has adjusted herself to the fact that she is the unmarried daughter, and plays the role of unpaid governess to her beloved nephews.
When the man from her past walks back into her life, it turns everything on its head, as she struggles with her own feelings as well as the feelings of unworthiness her mother has instill in her over the years.
She is an utter joy to write
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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by Hillsy » February 28th, 2012, 10:16 am

I think my favourite character to write is Strafe - anyone who followed Nathan's last competition will know a little about him..... :D

There's something wonderfully liberating about writing 1st person POV with a character who's completely devoid of any angst or regret or altruism. You have complete license to just 'call it as you see it' with the emphasis on being entertaining rather than moral or justified.

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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by writersink » February 28th, 2012, 10:46 am

I do (and yeah I feel guilty about it. It feels like I'm choosing one of my babies to be the favourite.) My main character. She's so care free and generally fun. But then I have a whole load of other characters who are vying for attention so I'll name a couple more. The best friend, because she's so real, and the grandma because she's so mean. And the bad guy, definitely the bad guy, because he is just so darn complex.

Great post :D

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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by Falen » February 28th, 2012, 11:26 am

I'm pretty fond of my current MC Kiel, who's snarky and sarcastic and a bad boy. His voice really came through for me.
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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by Quill » February 28th, 2012, 5:18 pm

I'd have to say Bob.

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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by Cookie » February 28th, 2012, 7:23 pm

My favorite character would have to be Yo. He's proud, dramatic, flamboyant, vain, stubborn, hypocritical, contradictory, and fiercely loyal. He has a habit of stirring up trouble, and is prone to fits of jealousy. He also loves to wallow in his own sorrow, and is easily excitable. He has manic tendencies, mostly due to his father issues.

He's the source of a lot of the comic relief in the story, half due to his behavior, and half due to the fact that the other characters love to pick on him. He's an easy target ;)

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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by Claudie » February 28th, 2012, 9:06 pm

Margo wrote:I fall in love with all my villains. I just realized I've made them all male...and insane to one degree or another.
1. Not surprised AT ALL.
2. Glad to know I'm not the only one with a thing for villains.

He's a RP-derived enchanter. The charming, sweet-talking, give-me-what-I-want-or-I'll-force-you type. Oh, and don't put dirt in his robes or steal his wine. He's gathered quirks and sideline stories with time and grown into a full blown story. There IS a novel-ish one in there, but I've yet to write it properly. And he is definitely NOT the good type.

Otherwise I have a lot of trouble picking. I'm not sure how you guys manage to pick!

Charlee -- I really really really hope that's who I think it is.
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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by isabellearcher » March 13th, 2012, 8:05 am

Hmm, I finished the first draft of my novel over the weekend, and oddly enough I've forgotten half of what I've written! My favorite scene is the scene when my female MC runs over my male MC and nearly kills him. She tries to bribe him with a new bike if he doesn't call the police and then having him walk home, bleeding profusely and near death, and kids on the street pointing and laughing or adults ignoring him and older women clutching their purses and crossing the street to get away from him.

That was a fun scene to write. A mini-torture scene.

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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by MattLarkin » March 13th, 2012, 8:33 am

Hard to say. In Children of Sun and Moon I liked writing Chandi a lot. She's introspective and insightful, and also a total badass at silat.

But, probably Malin. Malin is Chandi's weretiger bodyguard, and one of the most complex characters in the book. He vacillates somewhere between anti-hero and antagonist throughout the book.
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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by dios4vida » March 16th, 2012, 4:09 pm

MattLarkin wrote:But, probably Malin. Malin is Chandi's weretiger bodyguard, and one of the most complex characters in the book. He vacillates somewhere between anti-hero and antagonist throughout the book.
Malin was totally my favorite. No question, I adore the weretiger. :)

I've resisted posting on this thread because I just don't know. I have a few characters in my second WIP that I love - a sheltered priestess who abandons her monastery to join the protag on his save-the-world mission and a badass warrior who is secretly the antagonist. They're both very real to me and I adore them both.

I have one character I've yet to truly write, other than a few thousand words jotted down, that really strikes home with me. She's a princess, secretly as assassin, who is blackmailed into marrying and killing a wealthy sheik. She has to struggle with the loss of what she loves most (her assassin's skills) while finding out who's holding her puppet strings. I haven't done much with her but she's near and dear to my heart.

But then I have the characters in my current WIP - a sellsword who dies and hijacks his way into a sentient sword, the sacred warrior-woman who has to deal with him and try to accomplish her mission, a traitor who tries to defy his masters, a woman who traded her soul for magical powers and is trying to undo what she's done. I'm in love with the cast of this novel.

To choose just one...I don't think I can. As it is, I'm feeling guilty that I'm not mentioning any of my other characters.
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Re: Of the characters you've written, who is your favorite?

Post by GaoYuQing » May 15th, 2012, 10:04 am

Ugh...I have a couple series I'm working on, at least mentally, though one has taken a backseat for the time being.
Series 1 is probably Dawn, my "savior/demigod" character.
http://nadezhdavasile.deviantart.com/ar ... 1131&qo=12
Series 2 is probably Kaebora, an ancient, 9-tailed anthro fox character. I'm not kind to my characters, and she's had a tortured past, but more scenes focusing on her tend to come to mind during my day than any other character, though the fact that she's immensely powerful and I love great magical battle scenes might have much to do with it. This is especially ironic because she originally was created by someone else in the interactive writing forum where I first discovered I might have stories of my own to tell. With permission, I adopted her and have altered her to fit my view of her character, giving her my own backstory, etc.
http://mirroreyesserval.deviantart.com/ ... 41131&qo=9

guess I just have a thing for powerful, magical females o.o

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