Agent blogs?

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Agent blogs?

Post by TaylorNapolsky » November 17th, 2011, 2:59 pm

Can someone please provide me with a list of fiction agent blogs? Or even just a couple agent blogs? I'm trying to put together a folder of agent blogs. I'm talking about blogs similar to Janet Reid, Betsy Lerner, and the Glass Cases blog.

Thanks so much!


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Re: Agent blogs?

Post by HillaryJ » November 18th, 2011, 1:22 am

A couple I have found helpful:

Kristin Nelson's Pub Rants
(she also has a nice list in her sidebar)

Bookends LLC
CARNIEPUNK - ... 1476714158
as Regan Summers - The Night Runner series from Carina Press

Sommer Leigh
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Re: Agent blogs?

Post by Sommer Leigh » November 18th, 2011, 8:23 am

These are the ones I read every day (besides the ones you've already named):

Kate Schafer Testerman
Jessica Faust
Jennifer Laughran
Rachelle Gardner

I follow a ton more on Twitter though.
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Re: Agent blogs?

Post by TaylorNapolsky » November 19th, 2011, 10:54 pm

Thanks Sommer! That was exactly what I was looking for!

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Re: Agent blogs?

Post by cheekychook » November 20th, 2011, 11:53 am

I don't know if you've used query tracker, but that's a great way to keep tabs on things like agent blogs. You can sort through all the agents, keep a list of those who rep your genre, then click on their info. You can also leave yourself notes (on query tracker) as to what particular blog you may have read and liked so you can mention it to personalize a query. It helped a lot when I was trying to keep track of the 100+ agents on my list and attempting to remember who was who and who said what. There is also someone on Twitter (@juliachilliard, I think, could be spelled differently or use an underscore) who retweets agents all the time. She's a good person to follow if you don't actually want a ton of agent chatter in your twitter feed but what to know when agents pipe in on twitter with something pertinent to writing/submitting. Hope that helps.

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Nicole R
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Re: Agent blogs?

Post by Nicole R » November 21st, 2011, 9:49 am

The ones that have already been mentioned are fantastic! I'd also add:

Suzie Townsend
Jennifer Jackson

And if you haven't checked out the now defunct Miss Snark blog yet, you should!

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Re: Agent blogs?

Post by CharleeVale » November 21st, 2011, 12:28 pm

cheekychook wrote:I don't know if you've used query tracker, but that's a great way to keep tabs on things like agent blogs. You can sort through all the agents, keep a list of those who rep your genre, then click on their info. You can also leave yourself notes (on query tracker) as to what particular blog you may have read and liked so you can mention it to personalize a query. It helped a lot when I was trying to keep track of the 100+ agents on my list and attempting to remember who was who and who said what. There is also someone on Twitter (@juliachilliard, I think, could be spelled differently or use an underscore) who retweets agents all the time. She's a good person to follow if you don't actually want a ton of agent chatter in your twitter feed but what to know when agents pipe in on twitter with something pertinent to writing/submitting. Hope that helps.
I was going to say exactly this!


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