Blogging - isn't it amazing!

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and promoting your book on the Internet
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Blogging - isn't it amazing!

Post by longknife » May 12th, 2011, 2:44 pm

I've only been blogging since early March 2011 and every day is an adventure.

It's amazing just how much there is to learn about this whole thing. It took a while for me to understand that silly little hyperlink icon, then how to add pictures, and all that other stuff. Then, I just got something from Google giving me $100 worth of Free Adwords.

And then - it hit me! I've been concentrating on an audience far smaller than is available to me!

What do I have and who am I that could draw more Followers and potential customers for my books and articles? What is there about me that should bring an audience?

First of all, I have military experience and a career in the US Army behind me. How many others are out there like me? How can I reach them?

So, I looked at my blog and the various profiles I've filled out - and saw how I failed to clearly indicate that I'm a retired US Army Master Sergeant! [Got busy and fixed that real quick!]

I've lived in Las Vegas 30 years and know a whole lot about the city and area. Off to ensuring that information is also very clear.

I spent 10 years as a professional gambler. Better make that clear.

I've lived in a lot of different places here in the USA and overseas. Make that clear.

I speak fluent Spanish.

So, with that as a starting point, my current effort will be to seek blogs in those areas and becoming a Follower. And, I'll use tags to show that information.

And finally, I finally saw that little things at the end of my blog posts where Tags are included. Why have I ignored it? Make it very clear what each post deals with. Perhaps someone going through a Search Engine will spot it and follow up by a visit to my blog.

Just noticed I'm over 920 visits and will have to see what kind of a boost all this gives me.

Anyone else got anything like this to share? Looking forward to it.

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