How does an author find their voice?

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Nathan Bransford
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Re: How does an author find their voice?

Post by Nathan Bransford » October 30th, 2011, 1:12 pm

I really think it's a two step process.

1. Know what makes a good voice (here's my opinion)

2. Write until you find it.

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Re: How does an author find their voice?

Post by Sanderling » October 30th, 2011, 3:09 pm

Anyone else feel intimidated by having the great Nathan chime in on a subject? ;)

I think that post lays it out perfectly, though. And I think these two lines in particular do a great job of summing it up: "We leave fingerprints all over our work. That part of you in your work is what makes it something that no one else can duplicate."
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Re: How does an author find their voice?

Post by Mira » November 5th, 2011, 4:16 pm

Thanks guys, and thank you Nathan! I really like that post. It was really good to re-visit it. I like how you talk about the key qualities of voice, I haven't seen that before.

I appreciate what everyone said. This is a topic that really interests me, because I think it is the KEY to a readable book. Without it, a book just falls flat, and with it, even if the book is lacking in some other ways, it may still grab an audience.

I'm collecting perspectives on this, and I'm toying with the idea of writing up a small booklet about it (if I use anyone's ideas, I'll contact, ask permission and give credit). I'd like to look at finding voice from a psychological perspective as well as a writing skill. Alot of the ideas here gave me food for thought! Thank you!

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Re: How does an author find their voice?

Post by gatogato » May 9th, 2023, 4:48 am

poptart wrote: October 27th, 2011, 7:32 am I think voice comes when you've learned enough to have the confidence to shake off all the influences of other writers and truly become yourself. That's why is takes time to acquire and can't be edited into a piece of work. It's as personal as your fingerprint and DNA, the clothes you wear and the way you style your hair.
correct. I totally agree with your point of view!

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Re: How does an author find their voice?

Post by carry2693a » November 26th, 2023, 8:28 am

Do I have it? I think so. I know that my zombie novel is way different than my YA SF in tone and tenor. I can feel out both narrators. I'm juggling two first person present narrators in my current YA SF and learning how to make two unique but compatible voices. That has done more for my ability to write voice than anything ever has.

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