Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by Quill » August 8th, 2010, 3:49 pm

About the only "wacky" comment I get repeatedly is, if they've asked me enough for me to allude to how hard it is to get published, "Why not self-publish? So and so I know knows someone who did it and said it's really pretty cheap."

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by Heather B » August 8th, 2010, 8:18 pm

I was editing the other day and my boyfriend was reading over my shoulder. I changed one word to another and his reaction was 'why didn't you just write that in the first place?' I then tried to explain voice and pacing but at his blank look I just gave up. He tries really hard to be interested but writing's not his forte, poor dear.

Another I get told when I finally admit to someone that I've written a book but no, it isn't published is, 'but writing a book is a big achievement. You should be so proud.' Then I tell them I've written two, both are unpublished. That's when I get the look.
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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by craig » August 8th, 2010, 9:10 pm

Heather B wrote: Another I get told when I finally admit to someone that I've written a book but no, it isn't published is, 'but writing a book is a big achievement. You should be so proud.' Then I tell them I've written two, both are unpublished. That's when I get the look.
Ah, yes, that one.

The ONLY person, I freely talk about such writerly things with is my best friend. Even though he's not a writer (though he has dabbled in it), he totally gets it all and understands. Out of everyone I know, he is the only one that truly gets it.

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by AnimaDictio » August 9th, 2010, 8:09 pm

A lovely person once told me that my desire to find a beta reader was silly. She seemed to think that my own opinion of my writing is the only one that mattered.

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by Aimée » August 9th, 2010, 9:34 pm

Quill wrote:About the only "wacky" comment I get repeatedly is, if they've asked me enough for me to allude to how hard it is to get published, "Why not self-publish? So and so I know knows someone who did it and said it's really pretty cheap."
Oh, I get this one all the time... I cringe then try to explain, but they just don't get it.

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 10th, 2010, 12:40 pm

When I've admitted I'm on a particularly tough spot in the book and I don't know what to do with the chapter or what to change to make it right, I get the "Well as long as you like it honey, that's all that matters. It doesn't have to be perfect, don't get yourself so worked up over it."

And then I say, "This isn't a hobby. If I want to publish it has to be pretty darn close to perfect."

And then they give me the sympathetic look and say, "Why don't you just write it for your friends? Won't they appreciate it more?"

Or some variation of this conversation. Most people I know seem to think that writing is a hobby. No one takes it serious as a profession. You don't hear people telling website designers to just write code for their friends since they'll appreciate it more than a paying customer. Or chefs. Or physicians. Makes me crazy.
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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by ninafromnorway » August 10th, 2010, 2:04 pm

My mother and another relative say about once a week:
"Don't expect your book to be published as soon as you've finished it, and expect to send it to lots of agents and that all of them will say no"

Well, I was expecting the first agent I sent it to, to throw himself over it and make me lots of money. But now that you've warned me.... *rolls my eyes a little*

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by Priscilla_James » August 11th, 2010, 1:42 pm

Here's one I hear OFTEN:

"Why don't you just publish the book/your stories yourself?"

Yes. That would be extremely nice. The only problem is that I have to pay money out of my own pocket (a lot), and the chances of my book actually BEING sold at a Barnes and Noble, Borders or other book store are slim to none. Those companies don't buy from just anyone, so it's kind of a lost cause. If you're going to conventions with your own stand, it's one thing, but that's even MORE money out of your pocket. You publish your own materials, you pay the booth and you risk not selling anything.

Now....if I HAD millions of dollars, I'd consider it. However, I don't. . .and I don't think a majority of the people on here do. ;)
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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by Livi Wells » August 11th, 2010, 2:42 pm

This one I get from my sister every once in a while.

She has a few girlfriends who read the genre I'm writing in and they are very interested in reading my book. BTW I'm on my last major edit-its slooowwww.

Quote from sister: are you done editing yet, because if you are I have 4 girlfriends who can't wait to read your book, will you print out a few copies for them?

Me: Eyes bulge out of their sockets and I look at my page count (421 pages in word doc.) and tell her that she could publish my book for me if she's likes.

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by theepicwinner » August 12th, 2010, 5:44 pm

"You should just write like X does. Then you'll be a millionaire."
"If you can think it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it" - Evan Taubenfeld

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by jan » August 13th, 2010, 9:39 pm

The funniest comment I got after my book Dead Frog on the Porch was published was from another writer at my book launch who said: "I don't understand why you didn't hold out for the million dollar book deal." Yeah, I don't understand why I didn't either!
Jan Markley
Dead Frog on the Porch (Gumboot Books 2009).

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by NickB » August 13th, 2010, 10:21 pm

I think that the ones who use the old, "Well, it won't be long 'til you're rich and famous..." or some variant thereof, are really just trying to give encouragement. A little "Rah, rah, good on ya, mate." sort-of-a-thing. Without getting all smushy. Anything kind is good with me. :)

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by bhelwig » August 14th, 2010, 10:41 am

My father once asked "Why did you kill me off?" after reading the death of one of my characters. I had to explain in great detail how my invented character was not him.

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by Wolfe3141 » August 14th, 2010, 12:48 pm

Here is the worst comment I have ever come across...

"You can't be a good writer because you aren't hooked on drugs or alcohol and you don't smoke"

UM? Really?

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Re: Wackiest "advice"/comments you've gotten from non-writers

Post by maybegenius » August 14th, 2010, 2:26 pm

My wonderful, supportive parents often give me some variant of "These cheesy romance/pulp novels I love to read sell like hotcakes. You could write something like this, easy!"

I appreciate the thought, Mom and Dad, but not my genre. At all.
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