The Last Highway (working title)-Page 1

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Gina Frost
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Re: The Last Highway (working title)-Page 1

Post by Gina Frost » June 23rd, 2010, 3:44 pm


The Last Highway


I had already been driving too long. My eyes grew heavy and the lines in the middle of the road began to blur. The window was rolled down and the radio blared. I hoped the cool night air and noise would wake me enough. It didn't.

The ghostly figure that appeared in the distance did. He just stood there in the middle of the road. The fog coming in from the river surrounded him with an eerie glow.

I slammed my foot down on the brakes hard and stopped just inches in front of the man.

I must be dreaming. This figure standing before me could not be real. The fog cleared and revealed a tall, tan, muscular man, with shoulder length sandy blonde hair. His emerald eyes pierced into my soul. His smile revealed perfect, white teeth. He seemed harmless enough, but wasn't that how the horror stories always started?

As if in answer to my question, his gaze turned into a look of pure evil, as if I were his next meal. I could not remember being this frightened before. I rolled the window up, depressed the lock switch, put the car in reverse and backed away from the evil that stood before me.

I backed into the driveway I had passed just seconds ago, frantic as I turned the car around and drove away from the man, if that was what you could call him. I suppose, knowing what I knew about myself that anything could be possible. Though this was the first time in my twenty one years that I had ever accounted something 'other'. He could not be counted in the same category as myself. Despite the fact that I had certain abilities that were difficult to explain and frightened others, I was not evil. That look I saw in the strange man's eyes told me that he was.

I almost relaxed when I could no longer see him in my rear view mirror. My heart was still beating a steady, panicked drum inside my ears and my palms were still wet with sweat but my breath was normalizing as I rationalized that it was just a hallucination caused from exhaustion. I realized my mistake when he appeared in front of me again. I hit the brakes and put the car into reverse once more. This time, I kept my eyes on the man ahead of me as I maneuvered the car into another driveway and turned around, trying to escape from this nightmare.

I was miles from where I had last seen the beautiful, evil man and I breathed a sigh of relief. If he had been there at all, he gave up. After passing the next curve, I had to slow down. No hallucinations this time, just other cars on the road, driving too slow. When they were close enough to pass each other, they stopped. I waited a minute, then two. They didn't budge.

I considered backing up again but another car came up behind me too fast on this usually deserted road. Even in the daytime it was rare to see this many vehicles at the same time. I honked my horn, impatient, desperate to be on my way. They didn't budge. They were herding me in. One more hour and I would have been home.

The last image I saw on the last highway I drove was his face inches from mine.

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Re: The Last Highway (working title)-Page 1

Post by bigheadx » June 23rd, 2010, 4:22 pm

Looks as if you are receiving some fine advice here, but I just have a question. You said you are 7 pages into the story. Are you working from an outline? synopsis? Just curious. I am interested in how others work.
good luck!

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Gina Frost
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Re: The Last Highway (working title)-Page 1

Post by Gina Frost » June 23rd, 2010, 6:38 pm

bigheadx wrote:Looks as if you are receiving some fine advice here, but I just have a question. You said you are 7 pages into the story. Are you working from an outline? synopsis? Just curious. I am interested in how others work.
good luck!
John, I don't do outlines, though sometimes I think I really should. I just write the story that is in my head, usually as the characters dictate it. When they are silent, I just make stuff up, they usually speak up again during the rewrite. Would have saved me an awful lot of grief if they had just spoken up to begin with.

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