Writing a query for children's books

Submission protocol, query etiquette, and strategies that work
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little giggles
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Joined: January 16th, 2010, 2:03 pm

Writing a query for children's books

Post by little giggles » January 16th, 2010, 2:14 pm

I am in the process of submitting a children's book to an agent. I was told I need to submit a brief synopsis of my work and credentials. My book is for very small children, so how do you write a synopsis? Do they expect a huge explanation of the story? It would be quicker to read the darn book. Is it okay if it is just a few sentences?

Also, I have a BS in Business and have no background in literature, so when they are asking for credentials will this work against me?

Thank you,

Harper Karcz
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Re: Writing a query for children's books

Post by Harper Karcz » January 16th, 2010, 5:41 pm

Check and see if the agent has any specific guidelines for picture books. A lot of the agents who rep picture books (and there aren't that many to begin with) will want to see the full PB manuscript instead of a query letter.

Instead, you'd submit a cover letter with a brief synopsis (1 or 2 sentences) and include the word count. If you don't have any credentials, then just skip that part. Trying to make irrelevant experience / degrees sound relevant can mark you as an amateur. (Check Nathan's FAQ posts about this -- I think he says just about the same thing.) Then you'd just note that the full PB manuscript was either pasted below (for an e-mail query) or enclosed (for a snail query).

Good luck with it!
Having just the vision's no solution
Everything depends on execution.

-- Stephen Sondheim

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