YA!Flash - new Tumblr

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YA!Flash - new Tumblr

Post by maybegenius » August 1st, 2011, 1:29 pm

Hey all - I just launched a new Tumblr for all lovers of young adult fiction. It's going to be a daily dose of all things YA - flash fiction, teen poetry, micro-reviews, relevant photos, videos, sound clips, and anything else. We'll accept submissions, so if you write any YA flash fiction, teen poetry, or short reviews, please hop on over and see if you'd like to submit. I'm hoping YA!Flash evolves into a blog people can check out to get a quick review, or a fun link, or a short story to satisfy their YA craving for the day :)

aka S.E. Sinkhorn, or Steph

My Blog | My Twitter | YA!Flash Tumblr

Represented by Michelle Andelman of Regal Literary

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