New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

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New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by washingtonwriter1968 » July 13th, 2011, 8:46 pm

I am at a place were the muse is working and I am writing like crazy. Words are pouring forth onto the paper almost faster than I can write. My Characters or leaping forth and presenting themselves almost like real people. I am so happy and excited. :D

Yet at times, I find my husband waiting at the door while I finish just one more paragraph ;and it seems in no time at all, an entire chapter later, and I am still writing. I am Oh! so new to the whole writing process, at least in the form of extended lengths such as a novel. I am afraid that I don't have good skills at balancing my life and writing. :oops:

For Instance, I do not know how many times I looked up and it was 10:00 at night.and the last time I have eaten is around noon and I am starved. :oops: While I am writing however, I am not hungry. I am hoping that by coming here during brief glimpses of time between chapters I might gleam some useful ideas on how to balance life and my writing. :?: :D :D
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Re: New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by CharleeVale » July 13th, 2011, 9:14 pm

Develop your own shorthand, and buy a small notebook. Carry the notebook with you, and when you get those genius ideas, jot them down so you have them later. This will allow you to feel less attached at the hip to your keyboard.

When your writing and you don't want to get carried away, set an alarm, and you must stop when it goes off. Don't worry if you're in the middle of a sentence your brain will pick it right back up. Plenty of writers end the day that way purposely.

As for the eating thing, I'm with you there. Stash some granola bars and finger snacks around your writing area so you can munch without too much hassle.

Also, find out when your MOST productive writing time. (Mine is between 1 and 3 AM) Those couple of hours when you don't get distracted, your typing muscles are primed, and your ideas are sharp. Try to write during those times. Then you know that when you write, you know that you will be productive and you can feel like you've accomplished something without it entirely taking over your life.

Hopefully these tips will help!


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Re: New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by GKJeyasingham » July 13th, 2011, 9:26 pm

Charlee's points are solid. I definitely agree with the point that, when you're done for the day, you should stop in the middle of a sentence, or even a paragraph. One time I finished writing for the day at the end of a paragraph. When I came back to it the next day, I had no idea how to continue. I had a skeleton outline of the entire story, but still, I had no idea what I needed to write next. I ended up mulling over it for a few days, and then abandoning it for about a month. I came back to it, of course, but what a waste of a month. Don't do what I did.

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Re: New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by washingtonwriter1968 » July 13th, 2011, 9:34 pm

I am so glad I stopped one last time before I dove back into the book. Your post has helped allot. I will begin putting these ideas into place.
It's all so new to me. I have never had characters that so powerfully intrigued me :!: Not to say I have not lost time while writing before while writing. It is just right now these characters are so real to me. It sometimes seems they are real enough to demand my attention :lol: :!: Just like a crying child. :lol: ;)

Still I like the Alarm thing! I also have been thinking that best writing times are from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM and again from 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Together that is about 6 hours and would be almost like a part time job. That may just work :!:
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Re: New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by Megs6703 » July 14th, 2011, 7:43 am

I have times like this too, where it seems like I could write and write. (And then there are the times when I sit at the computer and can't do a thing.) But during the weeks where it seems like all I do is write- I have to make myself stop. One of the things I do when I stop is type a few quick notes at the bottom to remind myself what I was thinking and where I was going with that particular passage, that way I don't lose my train of thought. So I don't feel like I'm losing anything by walking away.
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Re: New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by Sanderling » July 14th, 2011, 10:30 am

I love that feeling where the words are flowing and it feels like you could write continuously forever. Times like that, I wish I could type as fast as I think, so I could experience the story as I would if I were reading it (if that were the case, I could have a finished manuscript in 10 hours!). I think it's great that you're able to work uninterrupted and take advantage of that inspiration! But it can definitely be hard to pull away. Charlee's got some great suggestions, as does Megs6703. It's so easy to disappear into the story; don't forget to take care of yourself!
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Re: New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by dios4vida » July 14th, 2011, 11:10 am

Enjoy this time! Passionate love with your novel is a really special thing, but just like any love it will burn fiercely and glow warmly in turns. Sometimes you can't tear yourself away, but other times you'd beg, borrow, and steal just to get something onto the page. I don't mean to discourage you, merely to point out that it probably won't always be like this, and eventually you'll be able to get a breather and reconnect with this strange place known as the outside world and that odd man hanging around who says he's your husband. :)

I agree with the timer, though I've never had to do that (I'm a very slow writer). I do, however, have an entire drawer in my desk dedicated to snacks. They range from Cheez-Its to dried fruit to dried edamame (awesome source of protein that are munchable like popcorn) to Werther's sugar-free coffee/cinnamon/apple caramel candies (DO NOT try those unless you want an addiction). Make sure at least one or two of your options give you good enough nutrition that you aren't munching on sugar and carbs all day.

My favorite tip is a bit off topic, but with you being in the "marathon writing" stage I think it applies here. Get up and walk around at least once an hour, preferably at least twice. Step away for a moment and stretch, walk, take out the garbage, clean out the dishwasher, say hello to the cat, do some sit-ups, whatever you want. Just make sure you move around. Sitting for hours upon hours in one spot can really damage your joints, make you stiff, and also lead to sedentary habits that give one Writer's Butt (that strange expansion of your hind quarters that comes from long hours at the computer...). Also, doing random little things helps keep your subconscious going, which in turn helps keep your story going in your head.

Congrats on the novel-love, may your writing be fruitful! And welcome to the Bransforums!
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Re: New writer needs help in ballancing life & writing!

Post by sierramcconnell » July 18th, 2011, 6:13 pm

I have my moments. Usually, I can feel them coming in a book. It's like the 25ks. I start to feel like I need a break. And so I wither it away and begin not to write so much, and take care of all the things I neglected while I was in OMG WRITER MOAD (intentional misspelling).

So I balance by having binges. I guess that's not a good thing but so far it's worked, and especially since I've moved out and got addicted to Hulu...

I have to break for my shows. And they only update every 30 days. Except for Misfits and the news stuff. But that's only about an hour. :twisted:

Living alone has it's benefits. I don't understand how you people have LIVES. :lol:
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