in search of a writing conference

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in search of a writing conference

Post by trixie » January 4th, 2011, 12:41 pm


I am interested in attending a writing conference in 2011 but it feels like everyone has a conference these days. Can anyone recommend a writing conference you feel is of "can't miss" caliber? My writing interests are more towards MG/YA action/fantasy, so I have already explored the SCBWI option.

Are there other conferences you've attended that you strongly recommend?

Thank you!

Mike R
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Re: in search of a writing conference

Post by Mike R » January 5th, 2011, 1:23 am

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers has one in Denver in Sept.

Been there, great conference & lots of fun.

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Re: in search of a writing conference

Post by Nathan Bransford » January 12th, 2011, 12:44 am

Moving this to the Finding an Agent section as I've only been to a few conferences and others on the Forums might be able to weigh in on specific conferences they've enjoyed.

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Re: in search of a writing conference

Post by HillaryJ » January 12th, 2011, 3:54 am

It depends on what you're looking for. Are you more interested in in-depth workshops, workshops or "blue pencils" of your actual work, workshops plus pitch sessions...they run the gamut.

I attended the Surrey International Writers Conference in October. Surrey is just outside of Vancouver, BC. Last year it was SF/F and Crime heavy, top tier and more "indie" authors, plus high-profile editors and agents. I'm not sure if that's the norm.

I mostly attended workshops, and thought it was very good for a new to intermediate level writer. Topics included things like dialogue, pacing, worldbuilding, forensics, social media, and how to pitch. The Vancouver PD also stopped by to do a blood spatter workshop. It was hands-on, messy, and the highlight of the experience for me. :)

For a writer ready for publication, I heard good things about the pitches from friends who went. They got to pitch to multiple agents and editors, and a number of writers received multiple requests.
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Re: in search of a writing conference

Post by arielswan » January 13th, 2011, 6:06 pm

It depends on where you live. The Muse and the Marketplace conference hosted by Grub Street writers in Boston, MA is a good one. There are many excellent and well known authors, agents, editors and other industry professionals who present there. You can meet with an agent or editor and even eat lunch with them. Not cheap, but highly recommended.

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