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The Hard Work of Creativity

Posted: October 5th, 2010, 11:22 am
by minorleaguemom
Writers understand the joy that comes from investing themselves in the creative process. In fact, that could be said of anyone who totally immerses himself in his work. Artists, inventors, performers, architects, teachers - the list is endless - know that hard work becomes FUN when they completely lose themselves in the process. These creative moments lift us out of the everyday into a zone where focus is fixed on a particular spot - a sentence on the computer screen or a ridge on a sculpture or a brushstroke on a canvas or a pencil line on a paper or the faces in a classroom. It is something we are driven to do.

But the work doesn't come without effort, discomfort, and sometimes pain (physical cramping, carpal tunnel, migraines). Technically perfect work may also not display greatness. The discomfort of doing and redoing, working and reworking, is what distinguishes quality from mediocrity. It is the fourth draft of a written work that is again revised into a fifth draft that may give the effort its finishing touches.

Dedication is not an easy thing to describe. It demands discipline and mental toughness. Sacrifices must be made to see a project through those finishing touches. Sometimes there are so many other things I would rather do, especially since I can see the beach from my desk! I write because I love to express myself, and I think I have something worthwhile to pass on. It is a slow process, and must not be rushed. I have a tremendous support system in my husband, sons, and their families.

I am not competing with a clock or with any other writers. I have plenty of time in my retirement years. I do not have to rely on the income (thank goodness!) to write. I am merely competing with myself. I want to leave something lasting during my lifetime, in addition to my children and grandchildren. I already have - my first book was published in 2009.

I have no doubt I can go the extra mile and maintain a positive attitude while I labor over this second memoir. The work is only one-third done and the first draft is far from perfect. Yet I know when the manuscript is finished, it is not finished. I will make extra, uncomfortable efforts at revision. It may mean the difference between being published again or remaining in a slushy pile of frozen memories.