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Cellphone Zombies!!!

Posted: October 5th, 2010, 7:56 am
by DanielLCarter
OK I have to gripe just a little bit. I don't know about any of my readers but I am getting annoyed with people walking around like zombies while trying to text or view some pic their BFF just sent them. It's disturbing and it's not just the younger generation anymore. People are talking to themselves in elevators and old men walk around the halls of their workplace talking on cell phones oblivious to where they are going or who is listening to their conversation. UNPLUG!!! Come back to reality for a sec and turn off these devices from the pit of Hell. (I'm exaggerating but you get my point.)

Cell phones, PDA's, IPOD's you name it people are walking around aimlessly plugged into or connected with someone every waking minute of the day. It reminds me of an episode of Doctor Who I once saw and everyone was taken over by the blue tooth devices in their ears. These devices are very practical and useful tools that make life much easier but they are meant to enhance your life not be your life. I can't begin to tell you how many people I've heard freak out because their cell phone or IPOD was broken. I'm sorry but unless you need that device for work purposes and can't perform your job without them then you're over reacting. Or is it they are overreacting because the device cost them a few hundred dollars and now they have a very expensive paperweight? Not sure.

Now I'm not an anti-technology person, quite the opposite. I'm one of the biggest geeks you'll meet but I also know there is life outside of text messages and music playlists. Stop walking around looking at your 2 1/2 inch screen to see what funny little quote your friend is sending and look me in the eyes when I walk by you. Plug back into life and those around you before you become a Cellphone Zombie!

Daniel L Carter
Author of The Unwanted Trilogy