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Not a geek: Office MAC: Help Needed

Posted: July 29th, 2010, 4:25 pm
by bcomet
I have a perfectly good old version of office:mac 2004.
I bought it with three keys.

I had to reinstall it once when my hard drive died.

My hard drive died again so I tried to install it on a second computer, but the product keys won't work. I called Microsoft and they said my product keys were expired. ??? Then they said their mac people were not in today.

Does anyone know how or if I can just reinstall office mac 2004?


Kind regards,

Re: Not a geek: Office MAC: Help Needed

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 11:10 am
by tchann
While I'm afraid I have no advice specifically for your predicament, perhaps you could consider OpenOffice in its stead? The program is more or less a fully functional, FREE version of Microsoft Office, cross-platform and very easy to use. I switched over to it entirely almost two years ago and haven't looked back.

Re: Not a geek: Office MAC: Help Needed

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 12:10 pm
by bcomet
Hi Thanks.I appreciate your advice.
I'll keep that in mind and leave this post up in case it helps anyone else.

I was able to resolve my problem finally, which had been confounded by Microsoft going down and having a scrambled phone board yesterday and some untechnical person telling me that my version had expired. Not so I found out today.
But for a day, I panicked. As a writer, my Word program has been essential these past few years.

Re: Not a geek: Office MAC: Help Needed

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 12:53 pm
by CharleeVale
Again, not what you're looking for, but I used to use word:Mac. But I got frustrated with it, so I bought Scrivener. It's a Mac only program specifically designed for writers. and it's reallly amazing. I love it. There's a free download for a month on you should try it!