Should Writers Submit to New York?

Questions for the resident (former) agent
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Should Writers Submit to New York?

Post by TRA » April 21st, 2023, 1:47 pm

Hi Nathan,

First, I'd like to say that I've been enjoying your blog posts immensely and have gotten a lot out of your craft talks. Thanks for doing them. :)

I looked through the online chat subjects but couldn't find this particular topic. I've been a published midlist author (under a different name)for a very long time. For the last ten years, I have been self-publishing. Like a lot of authors, who got into self-publishing early, I had some decent success at the start. Less so now that the market is saturated.

I'm in the process of changing genres from romance to UF, mystery, and YA/MG fantasy. My questions for you are: What benefits are there to trying to get an agent and publish with New York these days? For a while it was difficult for YA/MG self-published writers to reach their readership, but in your experience is that still the case? And just to be clear, I am not anti-New York publishing. I'm just genuinely curious to hear your thoughts.

Thank you,


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