Query Double-Edged Sword

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Query Double-Edged Sword

Post by WriterCJ » February 3rd, 2022, 2:17 pm

Dear Publisher/Agent

I was pleased to learn about A&B Publishing, the great work you’ve done, and especially your desire to represent new authors. I thank you for accepting my query for the Double-Edged Sword.

Protagonist, Jack Brewer, is a contractor and recovering alcoholic living in a quirky little town in the Florida Keys. He is a member of the Sober In Paradise (SIP Group) of Alcoholics Anonymous. He has twelve-years of continuous sobriety and remains zealous to give back to the program that saved his life.
Jack enthusiastically helps new-comers to sobriety, mentoring them through the 12-Steps, and sometimes hiring them to work for his company. His involvement with newcomers, and quest for a sober and spiritual way of life, create bewildering, dangerous, and sometimes life-threatening circumstances.
At a Saturday night SIP-Group meeting, Jack literally bumps into Lindsey Goodway, a vivacious blonde with feathers in her hair. Fighting his reluctance to pursue a new love interest, Jack falls hard, opening a world of insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, and fearful flashbacks of his failed marriage.
But Jack’s life blows up when his—and—Lindsey’s lives are threatened when Jack’s commitment to help a newly recovering alcoholic results in assault and shakedown by an evil criminal nemesis with an unrevealed axe to grind, and a facial tic that saddles him with the name Twitch.
Jack recruits several SIP members, also affected by Twitch’s evil and violent nature, to ignore the local law and eliminate Twitch from their lives. Jack’s war with Twitch takes them, and Lindsey, through a barrage of physical confrontations, shootouts, crashes, gunshot wounds, abduction, and a Florida Bay rescue by a machine gun wielding Coast Guard helicopter. Through it all, Jack is driven toward the precipice of picking up that first drink—the very thing he has successfully counseled so many others to avoid.
Jack struggles to develop a sober life with Lindsey while facing demons of his past, and escalating threats and violence from the desperate and deteriorating Twitch. He vows not to give up until Twitch is out of his life, Lindsey is in, and he can return to guiding newcomers to the long-term sobriety and spiritual way of life he has come to cherish.

My favorite contemporary author, Christy Barritt, has just surpassed three-million books sold and has signed her first movie deal. What we have in common is a love for fast-reading action-and-romance novels, without gratuitous sex and overly graphic violence, which appeal to a dedicated and enormous market.
The Double-Edged Sword, my first novel, is a 62,000-word story of action, romance and redemption.
I continue to write a weekly 1,000-word fishing/Key’s lifestyle column, since February 2008, in the Key West Citizen and the Florida Keys Free Press—circulation 30,000—since February 2008. I self-published a compilation of columns, Florida Keys Fish Stories.
The Double-Edged Sword was awarded first place in the Florida Keys Council of the Arts: Work in Progress Competition in June of 2021 and received a $2,000 cash prize.
The manuscript is now completed, and I hope to hear from you soon.
C.J. Geotis

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