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Looking for a beta reader for my action/crime novel

Posted: December 7th, 2021, 3:21 pm
by caesar65
Hi - I am looking for a beta reader for my third novel. It is approx 100,000 words. I have provided the cover's description below. I am looking for feedback on the characters, storyline, and the overall plot. Please let me know if this is something that would be interesting for you. Thanks!
I have used a paid beta reader for one of my other books so I do have an idea of what is concerned.
This is not high fiction. Pace is more important than deep descriptions.
In return you can have one of the two other finished books in any format, e-book (mobi or e-pub) or docx.
He was a waste of space. There was no doubt about that. After a troubled past he cared for no-one. He had no friends, wanted no friends. He did not even care about his three ex-girlfriends. He did not even care about his five children.
Thieving and alcohol were his masters and to them he gave in willingly. His desire was oblivion. Forgetting his past, driving it out with alcohol so no memories remained.
His world changed when he was put into hospital by a set of brothers who beat him to within an inch of his life and then robbed him.
Now he is out for revenge. He could wait for years to revenge himself on people who hurt him. His revenge was always gruesome, vicious, cruel. That however was the code he lived by.
Get Your Revenge In Last.