Looking for CP for 163k words fantasy novel

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Looking for CP for 163k words fantasy novel

Post by ReggieGray » April 21st, 2020, 7:39 am

Hello! I am looking for beta readers and critique partners for my novel, History Of The End (working title), a complete, 163k words fantasy-adventure novel set in a world where witches and sorcerers are hunted by a bloodthirsty inquisition (sometimes for good reasons). It follows a group of people (from multiple POVs) who are brought together to face their past and achieve very different goals.

A soldier with a troubled past, a pair of mercenaries hunting a wanted criminal, a sailor who is far from home and a witch on an important mission are brought together by fate to stop a great evil.
None of them is too happy about it.

If you are interested, contact me at ragogray@gmail.com. I would be glad to send the first three chapters for some initial impressions and if I can get someone interested in reading the rest it would be great!

Please note: The novel is *not* YA. It contains strong language and some gory details

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