New member intro

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New member intro

Post by Lili_LaFae » July 11th, 2019, 5:30 am

Hi all,

I'm Lil, from the UK. I'm an editor by day, which means I easily get trapped in the cycle of 'spending so much time on other people's words that I end up lacking the brain power to spend any on my own'. But, love my job though I do, it's time to change all that before I drop dead full of untold stories!

For the same reason, I also don't read as much for pleasure these days as I'd like (having once been a two-books-a-day kinda gal), but when I do get the chance I'm not ashamed to say I'm not picky; I can and do get stuck in to everything from the most esoteric literary fiction, to horribly written but fantastically pacey pulp.

I'm about to do a third draft of a graphic novel script collaboration before looking for artists, but my current WIP is the first book of a sci-fi/slipstream trilogy that I've been teasing out in my head for... ooh, about two years. Having some enforced time off recently due to eye strain has allowed me to really start kneading it into shape, and, even though I was never a pantser in the first place, reading Take Off Your Pants by Libbie Hawker has really put a fire up my bum, so to speak – which is quite a shock when you're decidedly sans pants... Determined to have a first draft by the end of August, and will be on the beg for critique partners in due course.

Happy to discuss the day job should anyone wish to, but really I'm here for the community, learning opportunities and all that good stuff.

Looking forward to it

Posts: 15
Joined: September 23rd, 2019, 3:02 pm
Location: Bangladesh, for now

Re: New member intro

Post by Princesisto » September 25th, 2019, 11:43 pm

No one is welcoming us, so let's start welcoming each other!

I'm from New Zealand but working in Bangladesh now, trying to set up English-medium schools for ordinary kids in a country where English-medium can make the difference between success and failure yet is a luxury for the rich only.

However, I did my PhD in England, lived at London and Watford (in the 1980s) and visited as far north as Sheffield and as far west as Bath. My present novel project is about a family from Manchester, father from Lincolnshire and mother from Stirling in Scotland: but I have never been to any of the above cities (research, research, research). Point being, I am not British but I know something about Britain.

I am very happy we have another editor here besides Nathan!

If and when you are begging for critique partners, bring your tin plate over here and I'll be carrying mine, because that is the major reason I am on the forum (as opposed to just reading to learn from Nathan).

Jesus said "Come, let us reason together."

Princesisto says "Come, let us beg together."

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