The Introduction Thread

New member introductions, suggestions for the Forums, questions about posting, and important announcements.
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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by JenAlbin » January 11th, 2011, 2:39 am

Hi everyone,

I like coffee. A lot. Writing gives me time to go get a cup without my kids. I like books as much as I like coffee, but is easier to read with children hanging on you than drink coffee due to the threat of third degree burns, That's why coffee gets top billing in my intro: its unattainability.

Standard stuff: I have 2 degrees in English. I run a parenting blog and just started a writing blog. I strive to be didactic in both and rarely write about coffee.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by ZERO » January 13th, 2011, 4:45 pm

Hello all im ZERO. just wanted to say hi. ive been writing for many years. nothing has been published though. im working on a three part series right now and am 3/4 way done with the first novel. it is a self contained, stand alone Legend of Zelda story. yes, i play video games almost as much as i write (well i used to anyway). if youre not familiar with Zelda it is one of the most beloved video game franchises of all time. hopefully the big N (nintendo) will want to publish my series.

also please excuse the faulty grammar and punctuation. ive been lurking forums for years now and have developed this style over time. no worries though my novel writing is legit.

thanks again all pleasure to meet you all!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by shadow » January 14th, 2011, 2:05 pm

ZERO wrote:Hello all im ZERO. just wanted to say hi. ive been writing for many years. nothing has been published though. im working on a three part series right now and am 3/4 way done with the first novel. it is a self contained, stand alone Legend of Zelda story. yes, i play video games almost as much as i write (well i used to anyway). if youre not familiar with Zelda it is one of the most beloved video game franchises of all time. hopefully the big N (nintendo) will want to publish my series.

also please excuse the faulty grammar and punctuation. ive been lurking forums for years now and have developed this style over time. no worries though my novel writing is legit.

thanks again all pleasure to meet you all!

Hey Zero. Nice to have you here. Good Luck and make sure to post your stuff :)
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Post by Bethnavarro » January 17th, 2011, 5:48 pm

I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. I write everything from children's picture books to MG novels to screenplays to freelance articles. Check out my monthly blog on:

Thanks for including me!
Happy writing,
Beth Navarro

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by jrosemary » January 27th, 2011, 12:16 pm

Hi all--another newbie to the forums here. I've been enjoying Nathan Bransford's blog and finally entered the first-paragraph contest. I've also enjoyed reading the other entries; there's so much talent on display! But I'm most attracted to the entries that have a light touch, even if the subject is serious. (Yeah, I'm a bit shallow.)

I write primarily gay and lesbian romance; sometimes with a straight-forward contemporary setting, and sometimes mixed with fantasy or mystery. I read just about anything: historical fiction, mysteries, fantasy, romance and non-fiction history and biographies.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and reading some great stuff!

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Kierstoast » January 27th, 2011, 8:00 pm

Hello all! I'm Kiersten, feel free to call me Kiers as it takes less time to type, and when writers' gather into one place I know with all that grammar having eight letter names is just ridiculous! :)

I recently found Nathan's Blog via a Lit Agent site of sorts, and I realized that I sent a query to him a while back. Twas rejected~ XD

Anywayyyyysssss. I'm sixteen, president of my schools Creative Writing Club, have completed one complete novel of 50,000 words [realistic fiction/YA; about foster children] and am getting a nice start on my second one, which is a fantasy surprisingly enough.

I hope to make some friends and learn a lot! Thanks for reading this.


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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Smileydog » January 29th, 2011, 8:17 pm

My stories come from real life. If I asked you how many people you've known who were murdered, what would the answer be? Then, why were they murdered. Or how many murders have you ever known.

Have you ever watched a man break a beer bottle over someones head in real life? This fellow walked out of a bar on State and a guy following about 10 feet behind came out and broke a beer bottle over his head. He turned around, blood running all over the place, and slugged that guy once, down he went. Then turned and walked off down the street, bleeding like a stuck pig.

My vantage point was the drivers seat of a cab, parked by the curb. You see a lot of things from a vantage point like that.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by BetweenTwoWorlds » January 30th, 2011, 1:30 pm

By day I'm a typist.

But come the night and I turn into a writer. Full fell moon shines through my office window as I brood and peck, thinking of what happens next? and who is the actual protagonist? and can I balance a spoon on my nose while I'm tapping pencils on the desktop?

I'm currently working on my sixth novel. The first five were wonderful practices in how to do it exactly wrong. For those first five, I would have been better off writing a script to pull a random 65,535 words from the dictionary than to have sat and pressed keys on the keyboard.

The sixth one stemmed from a series of coincidental conversations and experiences - I mean, we're talking SERENDIPITY! here people. But I finished the first draft in three weeks DIVINELY INSPIRED BY THE GODS THEMSELVES who also whispered into my ear that I should be more humble, so I will state that for the record I am extremely humble and shy. You won't catch me boasting.

So I'm finishing up the second edit on the WIP, and while it's in good shape as a piece of writing, I'm really not happy with how it's ended. I mean, the conclusion works in that the Good Guy Wins, but I don't like how the Good Guy Won. Too quick and too easy.

Now I need to look at the story and cut, and then write about 15-20 new scenes. And since I made a commitment to my writing group, my friends, and my wife that I will be done on June 30, 2011 with the rewrite, you will of course find me on various blogs and forums doing anything but working on my WIP.

I am a writer.
WIP1-4: Dead, and buried, and lost in time
WIP5: Finished, but hidden in a drawer
WIP6: 72k YA/MG. Working on 3nd edit.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by KatieT » January 30th, 2011, 2:28 pm

Hello, fellow forumites!

My name is Katie (or Kathryn, or Kat, or Kate). I am a self-confessed bibliophile and I have a passion for writing. Like many of you, I have been writing since I learned how to hold and use a pencil, though I've lost my way as of late. I found Nathan's blog a couple months ago, and have used it as inspiration to get back on my writing track. Having discovered the forums just a few days ago, I am looking forward to joining all of you in celebration of all things literary!

I have not written for the sake of being published, though I would like to be published some day. I am currently working on a Historical Fiction novel that could be "The One". I usually dabble in Fantasy, with Peter S. Beagle and Neil Gaiman as my inspiration, but this particular story just caught my fancy and I've been working on it ever since November of 2009.

I do have a general/writing blog, and love to receive feedback, so please feel free to comment if you'd like! I love making new friends =)

I look forward to getting to know all of you in the near future! Thanks for having me here!
If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it. - Anais Nin

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Watcher55 » January 30th, 2011, 2:54 pm

KatieT wrote:My name is Katie (or Kathryn, or Kat, or Kate).
It's OK, most writers suffer from identity crises
KatieT wrote:I am a self-confessed bibliophile
Is that legal in your state?
KatieT wrote:"The One".
I think the (bad) Jet Li movie already has the copyright on that title.
KatieT wrote:I do have a general/writing blog, and love to receive feedback, so please feel free to comment if you'd like! I love making new friends =)
Sorry, I can only resist making bad jokes for so long. On a more friendly note, we'd love to know your blog's address and if you need to have someone to make fun of J.T. Shea is a good target :}
KatieT wrote:I look forward to getting to know all of you in the near future! Thanks for having me here!
Back at ya'

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by KatieT » January 30th, 2011, 8:52 pm

Oh-ho! Someone has jokes! ;-)

I made the link to my blog in my profile, but for ease of use, it's

It's a work-in-progress, as am I, but aren't we all? :)
If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it. - Anais Nin

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by Charlotte Sannazzaro » February 1st, 2011, 9:42 pm

Hi everyone. I write women's fiction and historical romance and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I'm getting serious about putting myself out there in the writing community this year, rather than being a serial lurker. I also just finished the first draft of a novel I feel really good about and I'm about to start a new job, so life is pretty good right now.

I hope I'll be able to contribute to these forums in a positive way :-)

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by maireadg » February 3rd, 2011, 4:53 pm

Hi - I'm Mairead (rhymes with parade). I just joined the forums and am looking forward to learning from all the wonderful writers on this site. Historical fiction is my first choice of reading genre. I love to write in the evenings when my four kids finally make it to bed. It is what keeps me sane. My current project is set in Ireland in the 19th century. I may finish sometime in the next decade. I was born in Ireland, but have lived in the US for nearly twenty years now. Happy to have found this great resource.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by garybak » February 5th, 2011, 9:44 am


I'm came here primarily to find a critique partner - but looking around there seem to be lots of lively discussions going on so it looks like this place may be fun.
I've had one book published (traditionally) and one I self published.
I've been a soldier, sailor, surfer, software engineer, journalist, theatre critic, and general layabout.

Looking forward to meeting you guys.

See you around.

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Re: The Introduction Thread

Post by DeviousMonkey » February 6th, 2011, 2:25 pm


I came here because I wanted to participate in the one line pitch thread, but wow there's a lot of fun and useful stuff here!

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